Should I Remove Breast Implants Before Pregnancy?

Many people decide to have a breast augmentation before they have children and begin to question whether they should remove breast implants before pregnancy. It is a decision that is entirely up to you and individual circumstances can be discussed with your surgeon. However, it is safe to either keep them or remove breast implants before pregnancy. 

To find out more about which decision is right for you, take a look at the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding whether you should remove breast implants before pregnancy. 


Is It Essential To Remove Breast Implants Before Pregnancy?

It is not essential to remove breast implants before pregnancy. You can have a safe pregnancy and your implants will be fine, although the actual breast tissue can change. It is difficult to know exactly how each individual will be impacted by this, although as discussed below, having a breast lift to tighten sagging skin is often required after having breast implants, whether you have had children or not.


How Does Pregnancy Impact Breast Implants?

As the breasts get bigger as a result of breast milk, the skin stretches. The breasts then reduce in size after breastfeeding. Due to this, further surgery may be required later down the line in order to tighten the skin as some people experience sagging. This is one reason why people may remove breast implants before pregnancy. 

Although having children might speed up the process of skin sagging, having a breast augmentation revision to tighten the skin and correct the placement of implants is often required whether or not someone has children. Patients undergoing a breast augmentation should be informed that the tightening of this skin is almost always required at some point, as well as new implants around every 10 years. Essentially, this may not necessarily be a deciding factor about whether to remove breast implants before pregnancy, as the surgery will probably need to happen again anyway. 


Do Breast Implants Affect Breastfeeding?

Most people can breastfeed normally with breast implants, so this doesn’t need to be a significant concern when deciding whether to remove breast implants before pregnancy. If someone finds they struggle to breastfeed with implants, it is likely that they would have been unable to breastfeed anyway. 

The breasts are made up of very complex nerves, meaning in very rare cases, having a nipple incision to remove breast implants before pregnancy could damage minor ducts that are required for transmitting milk secretions. This could inhibit your ability to breastfeed, but again, it is very rare. 

Another very small possibility is that you will lose sensation in the nipple following breast implants. This can potentially make it more difficult to breastfeed, although this is not a common issue. If this is a concern making you consider whether to remove breast implants before pregnancy, discuss it with your surgeon. 


Final Thoughts

Whilst it is not essential to remove breast implants before pregnancy, some women decide it might be right for them. Discuss this with your surgeon as they will be able to give the best advice based on your personal circumstances. 

Overall, many women don’t remove breast implants before pregnancy and experience no issues. The main area of concern would be the appearance of the breasts due to sagging following pregnancy, and although pregnancy may speed up the process, this is likely to happen naturally anyway. 

If you want to remove breast implants before pregnancy, or it is something you are considering, feel free to visit our breast augmentation removal page to find out more information about the surgery. We have had many patients have their breast implants removed and you can browse through the case studies to see the before and after results. 

Thigh Surgery After Weight Loss – Is it Possible?

If you ever go through excessive weight loss, it’s expected that you’ll experience large amounts of skin building up around your body. Occasions, where this might occur, would include the body going through pregnancy or you have a dramatic change in diet. 

An area of the body where excessive weight may form is in your thighs. This may cause you to consider whether to have thigh surgery after weight loss. This can be an option for you but there are several factors to consider before you think of having the surgery.

Would I be an ideal candidate for thigh surgery after weight loss?

If you have signs of sagging skin around your thighs this would make you an ideal candidate for thigh surgery after weight loss. However, this is not the only factor that’s considered. We’d still need to examine you to make sure that you’re in good health and an ideal weight before we can go ahead with the surgery. This is to ensure that no further complications occur before, during or after the surgery.

When should I expect to recover?

Recovery periods for patients can vary as your lifestyle and personal circumstances can determine how well you recover. Generally, if you opt for a thigh lift surgery then your recovery period should be relatively short. You’ll be advised to keep your leg elevated for at least a week to promote blood flow before having the ability to go out again around a week after. Extensive exercise should still be avoided for at least the first month during your recovery.

Are there any complications that I should be aware of?

Thigh lifts would be categorised as a major surgery considering the length of the incisions that need to be made and the amount of excess skin that will be required to remove. However, incisions will only be focused around the thigh area so you shouldn’t expect to see any scarring in the calf area (calf augmentation tends to be the surgery to address this more effectively).

It’s also expected for swelling to occur which tends to be normal for all surgeries. This means in the first few days of recovery it will be quite slow, particularly near the groin area where friction can occur but dressing will help to prevent this.

If thigh surgery after weight loss is something that you think would be helpful for you, feel free to visit our thigh surgery page to understand the surgery in more detail. We’ve also had many patients go through thigh surgery and have case studies that you can browse to see the before and after results.

How can a Male Cheek Implant Benefit my Facial Appearance?

In today’s society, more and more men are becoming aware of the conforms within the public eye. This includes the idea of a particular idealistic representation of how you should look. It may go as far to say that you’d even be conscious about your cheeks. If this is something that you’re thinking about, then having male cheek implant surgery may be the option for you.

It can help to knock years off your facial appearance and better define your face as well as provide other benefits. This blog will explore what these benefits are and how a male cheek implant could be an ideal option for you.

Male cheeks can provide proportion to the face

It’s rare to find an individual that has a completely proportionate face. However, there are adjustments that can be made to close the imbalance, such as male cheek implants. They can help to define your face near the cheekbone and provide a youthful look to ageing skin.

Different sizes are available to suit your needs

Technology over the years has helped advance cosmetic procedures and provide wider flexibility to match patient needs. Aesthetic implants are now available in different shapes and sizes which can help to match the structure of your face and provide the results that you’re looking for. This can help the implants to look more natural.

It’s a quick procedure with a short recovery period

Male cheek implant surgery isn’t considered a major surgery so it’s a relatively quick procedure to perform. Generally, the procedure takes around an hour and you should expect to return home the same day. As with any surgery, there will be bruising and swelling that’ll occur and your surgeon will provide aftercare guidance to help sooth these.

Scarring isn’t visible

One of the main benefits of male cheek implant surgery is that the incisions are made on the inside of the mouth. This means scarring won’t be visible on your outside skin. If external incisions are required, then there is still the ability to perform these under the folds of the skin. This will be ideal if you’re conscious about whether your skin will be affected.

Facial implant procedures at Gary Ross

At Gary Ross, we have a range of facial procedures available for you to choose from. Each surgery will have its own benefits to your appearance depending on your needs. Feel free to browse our facial implants page to better understand what the procedure involves and how it can benefit you. You can also contact us to arrange a consultation.

3 Benefits of a Nose Bridge Reduction

Unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with the perfect nose shape and size. There can be some part of our nose that we may not be happy with and look for potential options to help “correct” it. The bridge of a nose can often be a common issue for patients where it’s too high, creating a distorted side profile and potentially one you’re unhappy with. 

Nose bridge reduction surgery is one way that can help to resolve this issue. When your nose bridge is protruded, it can often make you appear older than you actually are. Nose bridge reduction will help to reduce the bridge and make the hump on your nose lower. By having such a surgery, there can be great benefits of a nose bridge reduction.

  1. Ideal Side Line

As mentioned earlier, one of the main reasons why a patient may opt for a nose bridge reduction is to reduce the appearance of the bridge. This can help with the appearance of your side profile where the increase in the bridge of the nose can appear significant.

As a result, many patients come away from the surgery feeling satisfied with their results knowing that the bridge of their nose isn’t as apparent on their face. 

  1. Natural looking results

Surgeons that are well experienced in rhinoplasty procedures will be well aware of the different techniques available to them to perform a nose bridge reduction surgery. The anatomy of the nose is extremely complex and surgeons need to have expert knowledge of the nose formation, including the cartilages and bone structure.

Each of the techniques that can be used to change the appearance of your nose bridge can provide natural looking results without significant appearance of scarring and incisions. 

  1. Improve confidence

One of the main reasons why patients opt to have a cosmetic surgery procedure is because they’re unhappy with their current appearance. This can lower self-esteem and make people feel conscious about the way they look. 

The nose is a large facial feature which means it can be very apparent when you feel there’s something not quite right with it. Going through nose bridge reduction surgery can help to change your appearance to needs that you want. Once these are achieved, it can work wonders for your confidence. 

Rhinoplasty surgery at Gary L Ross

If you’re considering rhinoplasty surgery to improve the appearance of your nose, Gary Ross works with a team of surgeons that can help you to achieve the results that you want. The before and after photos of previous patients shows the kinds of results that have been achieved in the past and you can be reassured that you’re in safe hands for your procedure. To learn more about the surgery, book a consultation with us today. 

4 Different Types of Facelifts

Are you seeing common signs of ageing in your facial appearance? Are you developing fine lines and wrinkles? If so, you may be considering a face lift to help resolve your ageing issues. Considering that each individual ages at different rates and stages in their life, there are different types of face lifts available to help cater to your specific needs.

Here are some face lifts that are available options to you as we go into more detail about each procedure and how it can help you to achieve a younger, youthful-looking appearance. 

  1. A mini-facelift

 A mini-facelift is a minimal approach to restoring youthful skin. It targets the lower area of the face specifically and helps to tackle minimal skin sagging and excess skin. This type of procedure would not be ideal if you’re looking to restore excessive sagging skin and heavy jowls, but it can help to create a smoother facial contour.

An ideal patient for this particular procedure would be a younger patient that has minimal signs of ageing and is looking to define the appearance of their face.

  1. Mid-facelift

Another different type of facelift is the mid-facelift that helps to tackle the mid-region of the face. It can help to elevate the appearance of the cheeks and reduce any deep creases. An ideal patient for this particular procedure would be one that doesn’t suffer from excessive skin sagging in the neck region.

Overall, the mid-face lift can help to define the contours of the face, eliminate smile lines and even improve the appearance of your lower eyelids. It can also be combined with other procedures if required.

  1. Neck liposuction

If you have excess fat under the chin, neck liposuction can help to target this area. Generally, neck liposuction is combined with facelift surgery to reduce the fat that appears in the neck area. 

This procedure tends to be appropriate for those that are looking to eliminate their “double-chin” and flatten any prominent jowls that they have. It’s also ideal if the candidate has minimal laxity around the neck skin.

  1. Deep plane facelift

Another different type of facelift that tackles the neck area are deep plane facelifts. Not only this, but it also targets severe skin sagging on the cheek. The procedure involves lifting the muscle tissue to correct the heavy cheeks. 

Deep plane facelifts are renowned for providing natural-looking long lasting relationships. Overall, it can help to provide a rejuvenated appearance to your face. 

Facelifts at Gary Ross

Gary Ross offers a range of face lift surgical procedures that can help to meet your needs and improve your facial ageing. For more details about facelifts and what the procedure entails, please see our face lift page. To book a consultation with us, visit our contact us page where you can fill in your details and we’ll be in touch to arrange your appointment.

3 Possible Benefits From Getting Your Ears Pinned Back

Cosmetic ear surgery is more technically known as Otoplasty surgery and involves reshaping ears for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Whilst some of the procedures can involve adjusting the cartilage around the ears or correcting large and stretched earlobes, you can also consider it for getting your ears ‘pinned’ back.

You may consider getting your ears pinned back if you feel they stick out naturally further away from your head, whether it be one or both ears. The procedure itself will help to reshape or ‘pin back’ the ears to provide a better appearance. It doesn’t necessarily mean that the ears are physically pinned back, but the cartilage is changed to bring the ears closer to the head.

If you’re thinking of getting Otoplasty surgery, it may be benefit you in the following ways:

Disproportionate ears

If one of your ears are shaped or sized differently, you may benefit from Otoplasty surgery. If this is the case, you may only need surgery for one ear. You can discuss this during your consultation with your plastic surgery where you’ll be able to go over before and after photos of previous patients.

Protruding ears making you feel uncomfortable

Have you ever felt conscious about the appearance of your ears and they’re sticking too far away from your head? If so, you could benefit from getting your ears pinned back. Protruding ears can be subject to ridicule but it can help to raise your confidence if they’re pushed back. You should only consider doing this for yourself though and never because of how someone else portrays your appearance.

For children with protruding ears

Children over 5 can be applicable for the procedure. This is because by this age, their cartilage is stable enough for surgical correction. It also means that the ears would be fully grown and shouldn’t need any further surgery in the future.

As long as the child is emotionally ready and they are aware of what the results are, otoplasty can be an option for them. By opting for an Otoplasty procedure for a child, it can be great for their confidence and prevent potential teasing from other children.

Otoplasty at Gary L Ross

If you have any further questions about Otoplasty, you can contact us today to book a consultation where we can answer them. This will help us to determine whether you’re a good candidate for the surgery. Be sure to also visit our case studies page to see before and after pictures from our previous patients.

What You Can Expect From Your Nose Job Consultation

A nose job, more scientifically known as a rhinoplasty procedure, involves adjustments being made to your nose to improve its appearance. This surgery can be chosen to rectify trauma or injury to the nose, but it is most commonly opted for when a patient’s wish to make cosmetic changes to their appearance. 

The procedure can either make the nose larger, smaller or even change its angle and shape. This can be done on the bridge of the nose, rectify any bumps or alter the tip of the nose.

Before you have your surgery, it’s important that you first go through your nose job consultation with us first. If you’re wondering about what you should expect, we’ve provided a breakdown for you so you know exactly what to expect.

What happens during your first nose job consultation?

Before you can go ahead with your surgery, we’ll first schedule a nose job consultation with us. During this time, your surgeon will discuss with you some factors that will determine whether you’ll be an ideal candidate for the surgery. 

The following factors will be discussed with you:

Your medical history

It should be noted that your desire to have the surgery should be your own and this is something that will be discussed with you and your surgeon. Once you discuss this, your surgeon will then begin to discuss your personal medical history including if you take any medication or supplements, nasal obstructions etc.

A physical examination

If after this, there is no reason to believe that you are not an ideal candidate for the surgery we’ll then conduct a physical examination. This may include blood tests if necessary. Your surgeon will also examine your skin, including the inside and outside of your nose. 

This will provide a better idea of whether the desired changes are achievable as your physical structure could impact these results. Essentially, a full examination of your nose will be required during your nose consultation to ensure that your appearance or breathing isn’t hindered in any way. 


At this stage, if you’re still seen as someone that could be ideal for the surgery, the next step would be to take your photos from different angles. These images are used to manipulate what your appearance looks like through digital technology. They are also used for before-and-after photos, for assessment purposes and for long-term reviews.

Discussing your expectations

The final stage of your nose job consultation will be to discuss your expectations after the examinations have taken place. It’s important that you’re completely honest about your expectations as your surgeon will find it a lot easier to understand what they can and can’t do during the surgery. 

They’ll be able to provide a detailed explanation on how the surgery will be conducted and if there are alternatives required and why. For example, if you’re not a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty, your surgeon may suggest adjustments to your chin which can improve your facial appearance. 

If you clear all these stages, you can then look forward to arranging your surgery appointment. You’ll be provided guidance on how you can best prepare for your surgery and what the steps will be before you head into the surgery room. 

Rhinoplasty at Gary L Ross

Here at Gary L Ross, as with all of our procedures we aim to put your needs at the forefront of what we do. If you’re considering rhinoplasty surgery for your nose, we want you to be as honest as possible with us during your nose job consultation so we can manage your expectations that best suit your needs. Contact us today to book your consultation with us.

What You Need to Consider When Getting a Tummy Tuck

Do you find yourself heading to the gym to try and get the rock hard abs you dream of, but find it frustrating to achieve? There are many physical changes that occur to the body, no more commonly than the stomach. When we think of childbirth, weight fluctuations and the general ageing process, it goes through a lot. Unfortunately, as many people find it can be difficult to achieve your youthful figure around your stomach. 

One way patients opt to go back to the figure that they once knew is through a tummy tuck surgical procedure, also known as an abdominoplasty. It helps to achieve a sculpted waist and smooth the appearance of your stomach. 

As with any surgical procedure, there are considerations to make and the same goes for getting a tummy tuck. Complications and recovery concerns should be outlined and it’s important these are considered to make sure it’s the right procedure for you. Here are some points to consider when getting a tummy tuck:

Significant downtime is required

A tummy tuck procedure is a major procedure, therefore it will require time to heal. This is due to the incision running right across the hip below the stomach so you should expect recovery to take up to at least 2-3 weeks after the surgery. 

Shortly after the surgery, you will feel fatigued and sore as the incisions will be raw. Gradually, as time passes your body will naturally begin to recover and you can ensure a speedier recovery by adhering to the recovery guidelines that are provided to you. You may also need some help at home whilst you recover and avoid strenuous activities for at least 4 weeks.

It requires a stable weight before going ahead

During your consultation when getting a tummy tuck procedure, your surgeon will examine your current physical condition to determine whether you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure. As part of the procedure, they’ll also examine your weight as they’ll need to be sure you’re at a stable enough weight for the surgery to run smoothly. 

This is important as any fluctuations in weight prior to your surgery can impact the contoured results of your surgery. 

Permanent scars will occur from the procedure

It’s important to be aware that with a tummy tuck surgery being such a major surgery, it will leave scarring. This is because the incision is made from hip to hip above the pubic bone. Of course, over time the scar will fade but it will remain visible for many years. Despite this, experienced surgeons will place the incision in an area that is most concealed for underneath clothing.

Full healing can take up to a year

You should expect the full results of your tummy tuck soon after your surgery. In fact, the first several weeks you will experience bruising, swelling and redness in the early stages of recovery. It won’t be until around 4-6 weeks that you’ll start to see results before around 6 months where the swelling will significantly reduce. Although around 6 months you will start to feel back to your old self it won’t be until around a year when you’re likely to see a full recovery. 

Getting a tummy tuck at Gary Ross

We offer vast experience and knowledge of tummy tuck procedures. Our team at Gary Ross will be able to guide you throughout the process and ensure we try to meet your needs as much as possible. Please refer to our abdominoplasty case studies to gain a better understanding of the type of results you’re likely to achieve and find more details about the procedure on our tummy tuck procedure page. Contact us today to book a consultation. 

Should I Choose a Free Nipple Graft?

Breast Reduction Nipple Graft

We continue our recent vlog series on breast reduction advice this week with a look to free nipple grafts. If you’re about to undergo treatment for a reduction or maybe if you’re currently assessing your options and the results you could see, this video has been created to better inform you on what to expect and to tackle the changes that you’ll have to consider.

How Nipple Graft Requirements Can Differ 

As you’ll see, breast reduction surgery is different for every person depending on what the size of the initial breast is. For larger breasts sometimes when undergoing surgery it is not possible to achieve a smaller size without needing a nipple graft, hence why Gary Ross offers free nipple grafts as part of his treatment plans. 

Why Free Nipple Grafts Are Offered

Free nipple grafts are offered as part of the treatment to ensure proportion in the changes seen. During this process the nipple is removed and the breast is then reshaped before the replacement or nipple graft is positioned on the resized breast.

How Free Nipple Grafts Are Integrated Into The Treatment 

The video offers examples of breast reduction nipple graft changes and how the nipple itself is impacted by the procedure. Before undergoing this surgery, it is always best to discuss the pros and cons of nipple grafts during your initial consultation. Your surgeon will be able to outline the risks imposed whilst providing advice on what would be best for your reduction in relation to your size and shape.

For More Details on Free Nipple Grafts…

If you’d like more information on free nipple grafts or breast reductions as a whole that you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast reduction case study page to view the results of our performed treatments.

Anti ageing treatments for the eye area

Choosing the best anti ageing treatments for the eyes

Anti ageing treatments for the eye area are a great way to looking more youthful in time for the festive period. As we approach the end of 2018 and look forward to the New Year ahead, you may be considering undergoing cosmetic treatments to rejuvenate the face, and anti ageing eye treatments are a great way to kick start 2019.

There are many non surgical anti-ageing treatments which can prove useful in reducing the appearance of fine lines around the eyes or smoothing wrinkles which may appear above or below the eye area. Some of the most popular forms of non-surgical anti ageing treatments include dermal fillers, muscle relaxing injections and chemical skin peels.

There are also surgical alternatives such as blepharoplasty procedure but these require recovery time.

Considering injectables?

As well as facial rejuvenation surgery, Mr Ross offers anti ageing treatments for the eye area. Depending on what ageing concern you are aiming to treat, you may wish to choose to undergo one or a combination of several anti-ageing treatments designed to improve the skin around the eyes.

A full consultation with a medical professional is vital before undergoing any type of non surgical cosmetic treatment, however these three anti-ageing treatments are usually universally considered appropriate (and useful more often than not) for the treatment of ageing around the eyes.

Muscle relaxing injections

Muscle relaxing injections offer a non-invasive solution to lines and wrinkles forming around the eyes. Rather than smoothing lines and wrinkles, muscle relaxing injections are designed to prevent new ageing lines and wrinkles from forming, improving the youthful appearance of the face.

This is one of the most popular forms of non surgical anti-ageing treatment in the UK today with celebrities and regular clients are like enjoying the versatility of this extremely popular skin rejuvenation treatment.

Dermal fillers

Like muscle relaxing injections dermal filler treatment is administered using an injectable solution, however facial fillers themselves are not designed to prevent lines and wrinkles from forming around the eyes, but smooth and reduce the appearance of existing ones. There are many types of dermal fillers available and which one is most suitable for your needs is determined during a consultation with the cosmetic doctor of your choice.

Chemical skin peels

Chemical peels are a well established form of nonsurgical facial rejuvenation designs to not only smooth the appearance of wrinkles but also revitalise and freshen up the skin in the upper face area. Chemical skin peels are reliable and come in three different strengths depending on the level of skin rejuvenation required: superficial, medium, and deep.

Making a decision

All of these facial rejuvenation treatments are classed as non-surgical and the anti-ageing solutions can be combined together or used as stand alone treatments. It all depends on what ageing signs above or below the eyes a patient wishes to improve.

For more information about any of the treatments listed above, or for anti-ageing surgery to improve of the signs of ageing including skin that has started to sag, or volume loss please contact the clinic and a member of the team will be happy to guide you.