Abdominoplasty Case Study 62
It is very important for anyone undergoing body contouring surgery to be at their ideal weight prior to surgery. This lady has achieved her ideal

Abdominoplasty Case Study 87
With pregnancy, the layers of the abdominal wall are stretched. Following child birth the layers do not go back into the same position and the
Abdominoplasty Case Study 83
With pregnancy, the layers of the abdominal wall are stretched. Following child birth the layers do not go back into the same position and the
Abdominoplasty Case Study 80
A tummy tuck strengthens the abdominal wall, allows removal of skin excess and by stretching the remaining skin the skin wrinkling and stretch marks are
Abdominoplasty Case Study 79
Following child birth the layers of the abdominal wall do not go back into the same position and the layers of the abdominal wall are
Abdominoplasty Case Study 95
With pregnancy, the layers of the abdominal wall are stretched and the skin is stretched. The amount of skin excess removed is from just above