Mummy Makeover Case Study 43
This lady underwent a classic abdominoplasty with autologous fat transfer. Liposuction of the abdomen and flanks was performed alongside the abdominoplasty to harvest the fat.
Mummy Makeover Case Study 42
This lady underwent a classic abdominoplasty with breast augmentation. Liposuction of the flanks was performed alongside the abdominoplasty. The results are shown at 6 weeks.
Mummy Makeover Case Study 41
This lady wished to improve the contour of her abdomen while at the same time increasing the volume of her breasts. She wished to have
Mummy Makeover Case Study 40
This lady has previously had breast augmentation and mastopexy performed elsewhere. She wished to remove her breast implants and used the fat from the abdominoplasty
Mummy Makeover Case Study 39
This lady underwent a classic abdominoplasty with breast augmentation. Liposuction of the flanks was performed alongside the abdominoplasty. The results are shown at 6 weeks.
Mummy Makeover Case Study 38
A mummy makeover procedure involves combination rejuvenation procedures to the body and breasts. This lady underwent a classic abdominoplasty with mastopexy and autologous fat transfer