Will My Tummy Button Need To Be Relocated During An Abdominoplasty?
Often relocation of the tummy button is required. There will be scars around the tummy button that take time to settle. In certain scenarios one can leave the tummy button intact on the skin surface but reposition the tummy button internally.
When Does The Swelling Go Down?
Following arm lifts there is often swelling during the first few weeks. The swelling is more following liposuction in combination with an arm lift and can be improved by massage.
When Can I Go Back To Work Following An Abdominoplasty?
After an abdominoplasty your recovery and your job will dictate when you can return to work. I usually would advise patients to leave 2 weeks before returning to work although this does vary depending on each individual.
When Can I Get The Wounds Wet?
I normally advise patients to keep the wounds dry for the first week following surgery. Occasionally patients do get the wounds wet and this does not seem to be detrimental to healing. I would not advise bathing the wounds following surgery during the first week. After the first week one is able to shower and bathe normally. For arm lifting I would recommend avoid swimming pools until the wounds have healed.
When Can I Fly Following An Abdominoplasty?
For all general anaesthetics I would recommend not flying for 4 weeks following any surgery requiring general anaesthetic. In certain scenarios it may be possible to fly sooner than this but the risks and complications e.g. DVT are increased if one flies sooner following a general anaesthetic. The risks are reduced if one wears thrombembolic stockings, drink plenty of fluids, mobilise during the flight and are only going on a short flight bit flying within 4 weeks is not recommended and patients wishing to fly before this should weigh up the pros and cons and alternatives.
When Can I Exercise Following An Abdominoplasty?
I would usually not recommend exercising in the first week. Walking is always encouraged although lifting should be limited. Following review at one week I would usually discuss what exercises would be relevant to you. I always encourage patients to remain in compression garments for 4-6 weeks postoperatively and also encourage these tight pants to be worn as patients get back to normal exercise programmes. Gentle exercise such as running and cycling can often be commenced after 2 weeks and swimming is encouraged once the wounds have healed. Abdominal crunch exercises should not be performed until after 6 weeks.
Why Do Some People Have Vertical Scars After Abdominoplasty?
If patients have a lot of skin excess in the upper abdomen and in the centre of the abdomen it may be necessary to remove this with a vertical scar in combination with a horizontal scar. There is also a scenario in patients with minimal excess skin, or where the distance between the ribs and the belly button is short or where the distance from belly button to pubis is very long where a small vertical scar is needed. In this scenario it is often best to position the horizontal scar as low as possible but during wound closure it may not be possible to close the wound with a horizontal scar only. In this scenario a small vertical scar may be required. This often if required is only 1-2 cm long and can provide a better aesthetic result than a high horizontal scar.
My Abdomen Has A Lot Of Excess Skin But I Am Planning To Have More Children In The Future. Can I Have An Abdominoplasty?
An abdominoplasty is best performed after you have completed your family. Although there is no absolute contraindication to an abdominoplasty and there is no evidence that it would affect any subsequent pregnancy it is better to discuss the pros and cons at a consultation.
I Would Like A Tummy Tuck But Have A Body Mass Index Of 33 – Am I Best To Lose Weight First?
Certainly better results can be achieved the lower the body mass index. Reducing your BMI will help to reduce the amount of fat, the skin can retract a little and it is easier to plan surgery. Getting to your ideal weight and being weights stable is the best way of optimising results. Getting to a body mass index of less than 30 will also decrease risks and complications of the surgery and the anaesthetic.
Is There A Disruption In Sensation Following Abdominoplasty?
There will always be a disruption in sensation following abdominoplasty. The area that tends to affect most is round the tummy button extending to the scar in the midline. It can take months for this sensation to return. It is uncommon to have permanent sensory loss and massage in the postoperative phases can help.
When Can I Go Back To Work Following An Arm Lift?
After an arm lift your recovery and your job will dictate when you can return to work. I usually would advise patients to leave 2 weeks before returning to work although this does vary depending on each individual.
When Can I Fly Following An Arm Lift?
For all general anaesthetics I would recommend not flying for 4 weeks following any surgery requiring general anaesthetic. In certain scenarios it may be possible to fly sooner than this but the risks and complications e.g. DVT are increased if one flies sooner following a general anaesthetic. The risks are reduced if one wears thrombembolic stockings, drink plenty of fluids, mobilise during the flight and are only going on a short flight bit flying within 4 weeks is not recommended and patients wishing to fly before this should weigh up the pros and cons and alternatives.
What Is A Seroma?
A seroma is a collection of fluid. It occurs following all types of surgery and is uncommon following arm lifts. If present it can cause excessive swelling and occasionally it is necessary to drain the seroma. I use a technique that limits seroma formation and I usually do not to use drains. I use internal tissue glue that helps to prevent seroma formation and it is very rare with these preventative measures to encounter seromas.
Is There A Disruption In Sensation Following An Arm Lift?
There will always be a disruption in sensation following an arm lift. It can take months for this sensation to return. It is uncommon to have permanent sensory loss and massage in the postoperative phases can help.
I Have Lost A Lot Of Weight And Need To Have Surgery On A Number Of Areas. Can I Have An Arm Lift In Combination With Other Surgical Procedures?
Yes it is possible to combine an arm lift procedure with other surgical rejuvenation procedures. One needs to consider how you will mobilise after surgery and what help you may need postoperatively before deciding on multiple procedures.
How Much Does An Arm Lift Cost?
The cost of an arm lift depends on what result you wish to achieve and the extent of the fat and skin excess. It is also dependent on the amount of liposuction required. A consultation will help to determine what type of arm lift is best for you. You will always be able to discuss the cost of surgery after a consultation.
I Have Excess Skin Of My Arms But The Excess Extends All The Way Past The Elbow. What Can Be Done?
Excess skin can be removed but one needs to place scars in the areas where the skin needs to be removed. It is best to avoid scars that pass over joints and in the arm scars that extend over the elbow are prone to cause contracture and often these scars can rub and be troublesome. Certainly an arm lift with scars starting just above the elbow crease are tolerated best and give good results. It is sometimes possible to remove skin of the forearm by a separate scar below the elbow to the wrist but this may not be in your best interest. It is important to discuss the pros and cons of these different options at a consultation
Can I Improve The Scars Following Arm-Lifting Surgery?
The scars following arm lift surgery are variable and depend on the extent of surgery. Simple techniques such as massage can help and I generally recommend Vitamin E cream. It is best to massage the scars once the scars have healed. It is reported that silicone can help soften scars and silicone can be provided as gel sheeting, silicone gel or silicone strips. It is uncommon for abnormal scars to form but often it can take a year or so for the scars to fade. It is extremely rare to need to perform a scar revision following arm lifting.
Can I Drive Following An Arm Lift?
Driving is an insurance related question and if you are able to perform an emergency stop then you are able to drive. In my practice I would always review patients after one week to determine whether they could drive. The extent of surgery will ultimately determine your recovery. Presuming all your wounds are healing satisfactorily most patients are able to drive after 2 weeks – although this is variable depending on the individual and the wound healing.
When Does The Swelling Go Down?
Following liposuction there is often swelling during the first few weeks. It is important to stay in a compressive garment during this time.
When Can I Go Back To Work Following Liposuction?
After liposuction you can often return to work within two weeks although this depends on the extent of the liposuction. This can be discussed at a consultation
When Can I Get The Wounds Wet?
I normally advise patients to keep the wounds dry for the first week following surgery. Occasionally patients do get the wounds wet and this does not seem to be detrimental to healing. I would not advise bathing the wounds following surgery during the first week. After the first week one is able to shower and bathe normally. For liposuction I would recommend avoid swimming pools until the wounds have healed although this may well be possible before 2 weeks.
When Can I Fly Following Liposuction?
For all general anaesthetics I would recommend not flying for 4 weeks following any surgery requiring general anaesthetic. In certain scenarios it may be possible to fly sooner than this but the risks and complications e.g. DVT are increased if one flies sooner following a general anaesthetic. The risks are reduced if one wears thrombembolic stockings, drink plenty of fluids, mobilise during the flight and are only going on a short flight bit flying within 4 weeks is not recommended and patients wishing to fly before this should weigh up the pros and cons and alternatives. For liposuction under local anaesthetic I would always advise staying local in the first week or so following surgery. There are less risks of complications following local anaesthetic although there still is a risk and one needs to consider the pros and cons before proceeding.
When Can I Exercise Following Liposuction?
I would usually not recommend exercising much in the first week. Walking is always encouraged although it is important to wear compressive garments. Following review at one week I would usually discuss what exercises would be relevant to you. I always encourage patients to remain in compression garments for 4-6 weeks postoperatively. Gentle exercise such as running and cycling can often be commenced after 2 weeks and swimming is encouraged once the wounds have healed. Which can be as soon as 2 weeks.
What Is A Seroma?
A seroma is a collection of fluid. It occurs following all types of surgery but it is rare following liposuction.
I Have Lost A Lot Of Weight. Can I Have Liposuction To Reduce The Tissue On My Body?
If you have lost a lot of weight often there is a lot of skin excess rather than fat excess. Liposuction will not improve the skin excess but can help reduce the fat. If you have more fat excess and good quality skin then liposuction is a good option. If you have skin excess and visibly have excess skin then liposuction is likely not to be of benefit. You may have to consider excision of excess skin. It is best to have a consultation regarding the options available to you.
Is There A Disruption To Sensation Following Liposuction?
There will always be a disruption in sensation following surgery but it is uncommon to have permanent sensory loss following liposuction.
In Which Surgeries Do You Take Embolic Preventative Measures?
For all patients undergoing general anaesthetic preventative measures are applied. These may range from thromboembolic stockings through the peri and postoperative phase to flowtron boots while in theatre. It is uncommon to require additional preventative measures but occasionally may be required depending on your past medical history.
I Was Wondering Whether You Could Provide Me Information On Bodytite?
Bodytite is a form of liposuction using radiofrequency. Like other forms of liposuction it can be performed under local anaesthetic although the pros and cons of the different types of liposuction and types of anaesthesia need to be discussed at a consultation.
When Does The Swelling Go Down?
Following a thigh lift there is often swelling during the first few weeks. It is important to stay in a compressive garment during this time. The swelling is more following liposuction in combination with a thigh lift. The area that tends to take the longest to settle is the bit around the scar. This area can take a number of months to settle and can be improved by massage.
When Can I Go Back To Work Following A Thigh Lift?
After a thigh lift your recovery and your job will dictate when you can return to work. I usually would advise patients to leave 2 weeks before returning to work although this does vary depending on each individual.
When Can I Get The Wounds Wet?
I normally advise patients to keep the wounds dry for the first week following surgery. Occasionally patients do get the wounds wet and this does not seem to be detrimental to healing. I would not advise bathing the wounds following surgery during the first week. After the first week one is able to shower and bathe normally. For a thigh lift I would recommend avoid swimming pools until the wounds have healed.
When Can I Fly Following A Thigh Lift?
For all general anaesthetics I would recommend not flying for 4 weeks following any surgery requiring general anaesthetic. In certain scenarios it may be possible to fly sooner than this but the risks and complications e.g. DVT are increased if one flies sooner following a general anaesthetic. The risks are reduced if one wears thrombembolic stockings, drink plenty of fluids, mobilise during the flight and are only going on a short flight bit flying within 4 weeks is not recommended and patients wishing to fly before this should weigh up the pros and cons and alternatives.
When Can I Exercise Following A Thigh Lift?
I would usually not recommend exercising in the first week. Walking is always encouraged although one needs to be careful not to stretch the skin of the thighs. Following review at one week I would usually discuss what exercises would be relevant to you. I always encourage patients to remain in compression garments for 4-6 weeks postoperatively and also encourage these tight pants to be worn as patients get back to normal exercise programmes. Gentle exercise such as running and cycling can often be commenced after 2 weeks and swimming is encouraged once the wounds have healed. It is important to limit the amount of mobilisation depending on how tight the scars are and this is individually related.
What Is A Seroma?
A seroma is a collection of fluid. It occurs following all types of surgery but is well described following thigh lifting. If present it can cause excessive swelling and occasionally it is necessary to drain the seroma. I use a technique that limits seroma formation and I usually do not to use drains. I use internal tissue glue that helps to prevent seroma formation and it is very rare with these preventative measures to encounter seromas. When choosing a surgeon one should ask about the techniques used and complication rates for the surgery you wish to undergo.
Is There A Disruption In Sensation Following A Thigh Lift?
There will always be a disruption in sensation following a thigh lift. It can take months for this sensation to return. It is uncommon to have permanent sensory loss and massage in the postoperative phases can help.
I Want To Get Rid Of The Excess Tissue Of My Thighs – Will A Thigh Lift Help?
Surgery will often reduce both the skin and fat excess of the upper thighs. Liposuction can be performed on its own or can be combined with a thigh lift. There are different ways of removing the tissue and this is determined by what you are trying to achieve. The pros and cons of the different techniques can be discussed at a consultation.
How Much Does A Thigh Lift Cost?
The cost of a thigh lift depends on what result you wish to achieve and the extent of the fat and skin excess. It is also dependent on the amount of liposuction required. A consultation will help to determine what type of abdominoplasty is best for you. You will always be able to discuss the cost of surgery after a consultation.
Do You Advise Embolic Preventative Measures For Thigh Lifting?
For all patients undergoing general anaesthetic preventative measures are advised. These may range from thromboembolic stockings through the peri and postoperative phase to flowtron boots while in theatre. It is uncommon to require additional preventative measures but occasionally may be required depending on your past medical history.
Will My Tummy Button Need To Be Relocated During A Total Body Lift?
Often relocation of the tummy button is required. There will be scars around the tummy button that take time to settle. In certain scenarios one can leave the tummy button intact on the skin surface but reposition the tummy button internally.
Will A Total Body Lift Improve The Contour Of My Buttocks?
A total body lift will improve the buttock contour and will often improve the contour of the upper thighs. It does result in a scar across the back dipping into the buttock cleft.
When Does The Swelling Go Down?
Following a total body lift there is often swelling during the first few weeks which can take months .The area that tends to take the longest to settle is the bit above the scar. This area can take a number of months to settle and can be improved by massage.
When Can I Go Back To Work Following A Total Body Lift?
After a total body lift your recovery and your job will dictate when you can return to work. I usually would advise patients to leave 2 weeks before considering returning to work although this does vary depending on each individual. For body lifting it is important that the wounds have healed.
When Can I Get The Wounds Wet?
I normally advise patients to keep the wounds dry for the first week following surgery. Occasionally patients do get the wounds wet and this does not seem to be detrimental to healing. I would not advise bathing the wounds following surgery during the first week. After the first week one is able to shower and bathe normally. For total body lifting I would recommend avoid swimming pools until the wounds have healed.
When Can I Fly Following A Total Body Lift?
For all general anaesthetics I would recommend not flying for 4 weeks following any surgery requiring general anaesthetic. In certain scenarios it may be possible to fly sooner than this but the risks and complications e.g. DVT are increased if one flies sooner following a general anaesthetic. The risks are reduced if one wears thrombembolic stockings, drink plenty of fluids, mobilise during the flight and are only going on a short flight but flying within 4 weeks is not recommended and patients wishing to fly before this should weigh up the pros and cons and consider altering their date of surgery.
When Can I Exercise Following A Total Body Lift?
I would usually not recommend exercising a lot in the first week. Walking is always encouraged although lifting and bending over should be limited. Following review at one week I would usually discuss what exercises would be relevant to you. I always encourage patients to remain in compression garments for 4-6 weeks postoperatively and also encourage these tight pants to be worn as patients get back to normal exercise programmes. Gentle exercise such as running and cycling can often be commenced after 2 weeks and swimming is encouraged once the wounds have healed. Abdominal crunch exercises should not be performed until after 6 weeks.
What Is A Seroma?
A seroma is a collection of fluid. It occurs following all types of surgery but in total body lifting it has been reported as a problem in up to 50% of patients. If present it can cause excessive swelling and occasionally it is necessary to drain the seroma. I use a technique that limits seroma formation and I usually do not to use drains. I use internal tissue glue that helps to prevent seroma formation and it is very rare with these preventative measures to encounter seromas. When choosing a surgeon one should ask about the techniques used and complication rates for the surgery you wish to undergo.
Total Body Lifting Seems Excessive. I Was Hoping To Have An Abdominoplasty To Rejuvenate By Abdomen. What Is The Benefit If A Body Lift?
An abdominoplasty will only address issues on the font of the tummy. Following weight loss the skin excess can be located all the way round the sides and the buttocks and back. If one were only to perform an abdominoplasty the areas on the flanks and on the back / buttocks would not be addressed. A total body lift is more extensive but with modern techniques the operative time and recovery and complications have improved considerably.
Is There A Disruption In Sensation Following Total Body Lift?
There will always be a disruption in sensation following a total body lift. It can take months for this sensation to return and it is uncommon to have permanent sensory loss. Massage in the postoperative phases can help.