Revisionary Facelift Case Study 12
This lady had a facelift performed elsewhere many years ago and wished to improve her appearance. She wished to improve the jowl area and redefine
Revisionary Facelift Case Study 11
This lady has previously had a facelift many years ago elsewhere and has been happy with the results. She wished to improve the jowl area
Revisionary Facelift Case Study 9
This lady previously had a face lift performed elsewhere. She has had significant retightening of the midface/ jaw and neck with repositioning of the SMAS
Revisionary Facelift Case Study 2
This lady has previously had a neck lift performed elsewhere and the previous incisions can be seen preoperatively. In order to improve the neck one
Revisionary Facelift Case Study 1
This lady has had a previous facelift performed elsewhere many years ago and has been referred for revisionary facelifting. She is currently been taking oral