B Lite implants breast augmentation in Manchester

Mr Ross is continually developing and introducing up to date technologies and is pleased to introduce lightweight B-Lite implants into his practice.

What is a lightweight B-Lite breast implant?

Like the majority of silicone implants the implant shell is comprised of silicone and the shell can be either smooth or textured. However it is the inside of the implant where the new technology exists. Microsphere enhanced silicone gel replace the traditional silicone gel / saline. These borosilicate microspheres exhibit superior biological, mechanical, and chemical properties, such as

crush resistance, biocompatibility, inertness, and chemical resistance, making them a preferred biomaterial for demanding medical applications. Utilizing microspheres enables a substantial reduction of the implant’s weight, up to 30%, when compared with conventional silicone-filled implants of equal size. Simultaneously, their presence reduces the volume of gel required to fill the implant, further lowering its silicone content.

What are the advantages to the patient?

B Lite implants are 30% lighter to traditional breast implants and as such patients will not only weigh less for the same breast size but will have breast implants that are less likely to alter the breast and chest wall.

Gravitational weight can cause implants to bottom out and to drop down the chest wall and having a lighter implant may decrease this problem. This is an important consideration not only in breast augmentation but also in breast augmentation performed at the same time as a breast lift or mastopexy. Heavier implants have been linked to breast droop / ptosis and thinning of the breast skin / envelope with increased risk of breast atrophy and compromising tissue vascularity. Heavier implants are also thought to induce chest wall deformities due to the pressure effect on the chest wall directly and lighter implants are perceived to be less likely to cause this unfortunate complication. A lighter implant is a technological advancement.

As there is less silicone in the lightweight implants there is less chance of gel bleed over the life of the implant. Due to the patented microsphere-gel adhesion no separation and leakage is believed to occur in case of implant rupture. This is a major technological advancement.

It is believed that B-Lite gel is more transparent under mammography than normal silicone allowing more of the breast to be viewed – which will be of benefit to women especially those undergoing breast screening.

Finally it is perceived that a lot of postop pain and recovery is down to the pressure effect of the implants in the immediate postop phase. As the implants are 30% lighter this may also lead to a similar decrease in the amount of pain postoperatively. A reduction in pain postop can lead to earlier mobilisation and less down time from the procedure.

Please click here to read a peer reviewed article on B Lite implants and click here to view the B Lite breast implant catalogue.

To make a consultation with Mr Ross regarding B Lite implants please call 0161 401 4064.

Breast Implant Catalogues

Breast Screening information

Cosmetic Surgery Interface Committee Consultation Document

Expert report on PIP implants

independent review group

Liposuction FDA

MHRA inormation on breast implants

Nuffield Bioethics

Often when one considers breast augmentation revision the most important information required as a surgeon are the implant details used during the previous surgery. Mr Ross consults with many patients for second opinions and revisionary surgery. The Information that should be provided by the previous surgeon and/or the provider are usually in the form of a catalogue number, a lot number, and a volume with a code. The volume in cc’s is also usually visible and through this information one can use the various implant catalogues to work out the dimensions of the implant. For round implants one needs to consider the width and the profile / projection and for anatomical implants the width, height and profile/projection. This information can help to empower both the patient and clinician to be able to select the most appropriate option whether that be removal only vs removal and replacement +/- breast lift +/- autologous fat transfer.

There are many different manufacturers of breast implants and when implant catalogues are updated some of the older implant details become difficult to find. In the list below Mr Ross has included many of the up to date catalogues and a selection of older implant catalogues in order to help clinicians and patients find their own implants within the various catalogues.


Allergan’s Natrelle Silicone-Filled Breast Implants have a silicone outer shell that is filled with silicone gel. They have FDA approval and come in wide range of different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells. Saline implants are also available within an extensive range. Allergan acquired INAMED Aesthetics, formerly known as McGhan Medical over ten years ago.

Allergan Catalogue


B-Lite implants have a silicone outer shell. The B-Lite gel is a microsphere-enhanced, cohesive, silicone gel which makes implants up to 30% lighter than the standard silicone equivalent. B Lite Implants have CE mark certification and are available in both round and anatomical shapes with textured and smooth shells.

B-Lite Catalogue


Eurosilicone implants have a silicone outer shell that is filled with cohesive silicone gel. They are available in a large range of heights, profiles and projections (round and anatomical) and with a smooth or textured surface and have CE mark certification. The umbrella company Global Consolidated Aesthetics (GC Aesthetics) also own Nagor.

Eurosilicone Catalogue


Ideal implants have a silicone shell and have a saline fill. It is a double lumen saline implant engineered to feel like a silicone implant. They have FDA approval.

Ideal Catalogue

Inamed / McGhan

These implants were acquired by Allergan over 10 years ago.

Inamed / McGhan Catalogue


Johnson and Johnson acquired Mentor implants almost 10 years ago. Johnson and Johnson are the largest medical company globally. Implants have a silicone outer shell that is filled with silicone gel. They have FDA approval and come in wide range of different sizes and have either smooth or textured shells. Saline implants are also available within an extensive range.

Mentor Catalogue


Motiva breast implants are available in a micro-textured or textured shell. They are filed with silicone gel. They have either a round, oval or contoured shape and come in several different sizes and projections. They have CE mark certification.

Motiva Catalogue


Nagor is the only British manufacturer of silicone and saline breast implants and related medical devices. Implants are available in round and anatomical shapes with smooth or textured surfaces in a range of heights, projections or profiles and a number of styles and sizes. They have CE mark certification and fall under the umbrella company GC Aesthetics.

Nagor Catalogue


Polytech is a German Company. Breast implants They are available in micropolyurethane and silicone shells, in round and anatomical shapes and in smooth and textured verisions. The implants have CE mark certification.

Polytech Catalogue


Sebbin is a French Company. Breast implants may be round or anatomical, pre-filled with silicone gel, which is always cohesive but of variable firmness according to taste or inflatable with physiological saline solution, with different projections and coming in many different sizes. The implants have CE mark certification.

Sebbin Catalogue


Sientra’s breast implants come in round and shaped, and smooth and textured varieties. The implants come with FDA approval. Sientra are a brand of breast implants marketed in the US by the same manufacturer of Silimed breast implants.

Sientra Catalogue


Silimed is a Brazilian company and the implants are distributed in the UK by Eurosurigical Ltd. They are available in polyurethane and silicone shells and in both round and anatomical shapes. The silicone shelled round and shaped silicone gel breast implants have FDA approval. The polyurethane shelled implants have CE approval but the use of the implants were suspended by the MHRA in 2015.

Silimed Catalogue