The Best Options For Excess Fat Removal

The Best Options For Excess Fat Removal

Many people suffer from unwanted, diet and exercise-resistant fat which can feel like a huge problem to some cosmetic surgery patients. Whether it’s a persistent pocket of fat from pregnancy, excess fat pockets around the thighs that won’t budge or even some people can’t get rid of the fat around the flanks. At the end of the day, localised fat can be extremely difficult to get rid of permanently so people take other measures to permanently get rid of these pockets. In this article, we will go through some of the best options for excess fat removal in three different forms including a non-surgical method that is getting popular. 

A helpful tip before we start is that before you have any of the treatments, it’s best to have all your children and be at a weight where you can’t get rid of the stubborn pockets of fat as this will obviously come back if you are not on a healthy balanced diet, finished having children or haven’t stopped putting on weight.

How To Prepare For Excess Fat Removal Surgery?

  • Firstly, you must ensure that you have full health as you will be under general anaesthetic. If you are unwell, consult with your surgeon to reschedule as this could cause complications. 
  • Smoking hinders recovery times and can also cause complications with blood flow so it is advised that you stop at least two weeks before surgery.
  • If you are on any sort of aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs or herbal supplements, then you should stop before the surgery, if you do take these, we will need to do some routine tests before the surgery. 
  • You should aim to book off at least 2 weeks pending on the type of surgery you have. 


Abdominoplasty, also known as a ‘tummy tuck‘ is one of the leading invasive surgeries for excess fat removal as well as to rejuvenate the abdominal area. Abdominoplasty is usually performed for patients who have lost a lot of weight and need the removal of excess fat and skin or to remove excess tissue following childbirth.

What Is Abdominoplasty Surgery Like?

  • Removing the excess fat with Abdominoplasty will take around 1.5 and 2.5 hours to perform. 
  • The incision is made above the pubic bone and pending on the type of surgery, it can be extended to each hip bone. 
  • The skin is separated from the under tissue from the pubic region up to the ribs.
  • Excess fat is removed from the lower abdomen, if the upper abdomen needs excess fat removing then there will be another incision running from your ribs downwards.
  • The fascia over the stomach muscles is tightened to provide a much firmer abdomen without damaging the muscles improving the contour.
  • The skin is stretched down, the excess skin is removed and the belly button is relocated.
  • The incisions are closed together with dissolvable stitches.
  • When you are awake, you will find you are dressed in a compression layer to keep everything secure.


Liposuction surgery is another popular process for excess fat removal from the body. The great thing about this excess fat removal surgery is that it can be done on any part of the body and be combined with other surgeries, that is why it is so vastly popular. The surgery is suited for people with stable body weight and for stubborn excess pockets of fat that need to be removed. 

What Is Liposuction Surgery Like?

  • For the removal of excess fat through liposuction surgery, it will usually take between 1 and 2 hours. 
  • Rather than being under general anaesthetic, an anaesthetic fluid will be placed in the stubborn excess fat area to numb. 
  • An incision is then made in the fatty area which is no more than 1cm.
  • A cannula is then used to remove the excess fat.
  • Once the excess fat is removed, the area will be dressed with dissolvable stitches and a compression dressing.


CoolSculpting is a procedure known as cryolipolysis which is becoming more popular due to it being a non-invasive procedure to remove excess fat. It works by having rolls of fat being placed between two plates that cool the excess fat to a freezing temperature.

This doesn’t work as well as surgery but for people who have a minimal amount of fat they want removed, this is perfect. It removes around 25% of the excess fat and it doesn’t look different overnight. It takes a couple of weeks before the changes are notable, some even get a second or third treatment so that they reach their goal. This can be done on the thighs, lower back, belly and sides which some people get all of them done to remove the excess fat from their body.

This treatment takes an hour to treat each body part and will need more than one go to remove all the excess fat you want.

If you would like more information on any of our excess fat removal options then you can contact us via our contact form. You can also contact us on 0161 401 4064.

Can You Have A Thigh Lift and Tummy Tuck At The Same Time? 

Many of us face physical insecurities as we age. With a year of lockdown, people have been doing one of two things, the first is just enjoying lockdown and neglecting their health. The other group of people are those who used that time wisely, working to stay healthy and in shape. With that said, it doesn’t have to be getting your finances in check or getting on the property ladder, no, many people have been using the time to get fit and healthy. 

If you were once overweight and have lost a significant amount of weight, the chances are that you will have excess sagging skin in your abdomen and thighs, with possibly a loose abdomen due to them being overstretched. This is normal in these circumstances, but to tackle this additional problem, many people opt to have a joint thigh lift and tummy tuck procedure

The big question is, can you have a thigh lift and tummy lift together? In this article, we will discuss all the information you need to get your surgical treatments. This may also be defined as a mummy makeover,  as it combines two of the treatments which can be included in a mummy makeover.


What Is a Tummy Tuck vs a Thigh Lift?   

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a form of a body lift. This means that it is designed to remove excess skin and tissue from the body, as well as tighten up the abdominal muscles. Although a body lift can be performed in most areas, the tummy tuck is one of the most popular treatments available. Once the procedure is complete, the patients will experience a tighter, flatter and defined abdomen so they can feel more confident whilst their clothing fits much better.

A thigh lift is very similar to a tummy tuck due to it being a variation of a body lift. It is designed to do the same as a tummy tuck, removing the excess skin and fat from the thigh which then, in turn, improves the contour of the legs. People get this done due to weight loss, they will experience chafing which is painful. This also improves the clothing fit, appearance and self-confidence. For both of these desirable results, many patients opt for a thigh lift and tummy tuck together.


Is It Safe To Have a Tummy Tuck and Thigh Lift Together?

Your health is a huge indicator of whether you can combine a thigh lift with a tummy tuck. This is because having multiple procedures means that you will be on the operating table for much longer, which in turn will have a longer recovery time. For you to have a thigh lift and tummy tuck together, you must ensure that you are a non-smoker and do not suffer from any medical conditions which can be affected by the procedure. The most eligible candidates for a thigh lift and tummy tuck are those who are younger and are in good shape. This is due to them being less likely to have complications. The other thing that must be acknowledged is that it will also depend on the person’s pain tolerance and temperament, as the recovery can be much longer and challenging.


Is a Combined Thigh Lift and Tummy Tuck Difficult?

A tummy tuck can easily be combined with a thigh lift, but it is key to understand the extent of the surgery. All bodies are different so it is no surprise that some patients’ tummy tucks are more extensive than others as different amounts of skin will be removed. When a patient requires a larger amount of skin removed, it is a better idea to have your thigh lift and tummy tuck separately so you can heal properly. All of these details will be considered when you go for a consultation with your surgeon. 


What Is The Recovery Time For a Thigh Lift & Tummy Tuck Together?

A tummy tuck can take anything from 4-6 weeks to recover whilst a thigh lift can take anything from 2-3 weeks, so it is vital that you allow enough time for you to recover for both thigh lift and tummy tuck. Not allowing time to recover completely can cause complications later on. Factors such as having children and arranging childcare, or making arrangements to work from home are essential. These are just some of the factors you need to take into consideration when combining a tummy tuck and thigh lift together.

If you would like more information on any of our treatments, including a mummy makeover, or a tummy tuck and thigh lift together, then please don’t hesitate to contact us today by filling in the form and one of our consultants will be in touch with you. Alternatively, you can call on 0161 401 4064.

What To Expect After Having A Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that removes loose, excess skin and fat whilst also tightening your stomach muscles or fascia. It is clear to see why so many people want this procedure, especially women due to the constant changes in their body from ageing, pregnancies and other life experiences. Despite being one of the most popular treatments, it is surprising that not many people know what to expect after having a tummy tuck. In this article, we will do just that, as well as give you some tips on how to recover properly.  


What To Expect With Recovery Times With A Tummy Tuck

There are many things to consider in terms of what to expect with a tummy tuck recovery so there isn’t one answer for all tummy tuck procedures. Of course, there are average recovery times but for individual patients, there is a range of factors that must be considered including:

  • What The Age Of The Patient Is
  • The Type Of Tummy Tuck They Are Having
  • What The Patient’s General Health Is
  • The Type of Post Surgery Care They Need

Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon will discuss what to expect after having a tummy tuck in terms of recovery and the type of recovery you will need. As a general rule of thumb, you are going to be looking at around 8 weeks before you feel normal again. At first, your drains from the surgery will be left in for a couple of days in which you will be shown how to clean and empty the drains.


Why Does The Type Of Tummy Tuck Matter For Recovery?

What to expect after a tummy tuck in terms of recovery can be difficult to determine due to the range of different tummy tucks available for people with different needs. You can get a full tummy tuck, extended tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck and you can also get a fleur de Lis tummy tuck which all focus on different areas and purposes. 

The more extensive the tummy tuck, the longer the recovery, which is especially the case for an extended tummy tuck as this involves the flanks, back and lower chest which shows why it is difficult to determine what to expect after a tummy tuck. 


What To Expect After A Tummy Tuck?

The thing to remember when having a tummy tuck is that the surgeon knows best. If you don’t follow their instructions, you will not get what you would expect after a tummy tuck in terms of recovery and appearance. If you have any concerns or questions about the healing process, you should contact your surgeon immediately.

Choosing a surgeon who is certified with a board certification for your tummy tuck is a must. They have a lot of experience and have had to go through rigorous training and safety requirements that other surgeons don’t. 


What To Expect Immediately After A Tummy Tuck 

What to expect after a tummy tuck immediately is pretty straightforward. The abdomen will be covered with surgical dressing meaning you won’t be able to see it immediately after the surgery. A common practice for a tummy tuck is to have drainage tubes around the incision so that built-ups of fluid can be safely removed. 

You may have to rest on an angle for the first couple of days so that the wound heals correctly. You will be given further instructions on how to clean the tubes etc. 


What To Expect After A Tummy Tuck When At Home

For the first couple of days, it is best to get someone to help you with basic tasks. This is due to the fact you will be prescribed painkillers and you will have very limited mobility meaning you will not be able to drive. Once you are home, you will start to realise that you are sore and that you can’t bend, lift or even stand for long so it is key to have someone help around the house, especially if you have children.


What To Expect For Maintenance After Tummy Tuck Surgery

To understand what to expect for maintenance after a tummy tuck, you will be able to consult with your surgeon as they will explain all you need to know, such as how to keep your incision and drainage clean as well as the duration of the recovery. 

During recovery, the patient should expect to be given antibiotics and anticoagulants for a duration as well as some creams to apply around the incision too due to this helping with infections and inflammations. 

For the first part of your recovery, you will have to wear a support wrap or support garment of some sort as it will help with the swelling and aches. So it is essential that you keep this on for as long as you can. Another thing to remember is that you still can’t smoke and drink as it can seriously increase the recovery time. 


What To Expect Long Term After A Tummy Tuck?

Long term effects are minimum after the duration of the main recovery stages. Some experience a tight pulling sensation or numbness for a couple of weeks which could extend to a couple of months. This will fade over time but it can take up to three months before the swelling and bruising go down completely, and it will take longer for scars to fade but you can get designated cream to help reduce scarring. The plus side of this is once you have recovered you will start to improve your core strength and mechanics.

Tips for Recovery:

  • Set Up A Comfortable Space To Relax
  • Allow Yourself To Rest And Recover For At Least 2 Weeks
  • Don’t Push Yourself Too Much
  • Drink Plenty Of Fluids
  • Keep Your Diet Healthy
  • Take Vitamin A and C Supplements
  • Drink Green Tea
  • Take Probiotic Supplements
  • Eat Pineapple and Papaya 

If you have any questions on our tummy tuck procedures or any other treatments you can contact us on 0161 401 4064. Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form today and we will be in touch as soon as we can.

Things To Consider When Having Excess Eyelid Skin Removal

Blepharoplasty is an eye surgery that removes excess skin around the eye. Many patients have excess eyelid skin removal due to them having droopy eyelids or bags. This is done by removing and tightening eyelid skin which results in a more youthful and alert appearance. If you have obstructed vision, then it can help to improve your vision as it will remove the skin blocking your view. Excess eyelid skin removal aims to remove the skin, muscle and fat from the eyelids or bags. Some people may need both eyelids and bags, but some just get the upper eyelid done. 

There are two types of eye surgery to remove excess eyelid skin, the first is the one we have been speaking about which is blepharoplasty which is also known as an eyelift. The other is a ptosis surgery which aims to raise the upper eyelid position by tightening the muscle and tendon that allows the eyelid to elevate it. In this article, we will go through some key pieces of information to consider when having excess eyelid skin removal, so you have all the information to hand before going into your consultation.

What Is A Blepharoplasty?

Cosmetic blepharoplasty is eye surgery to remove excess skin. Whilst excess eyelid skin removal is only recommended for serious cases such as if the sagging is blocking their view, in most cases patients opt for this treatment for aesthetic benefits . When a person starts to age, it is normal to have baggy or droopy eyelids along with their eyebrows. The eyelid skin stretches and the muscles weaken which allows fat pockets to become more visible. 

Why Do People Have Eye Surgery To Remove Excess Skin? 

People have excess eyelid skin removal for a range of different reasons, including droopy or sagging eyelids which prevent you from opening your eyelids or pulling down on the lower eyelids. By removing the excess tissue from the upper eyelid, it takes the weight from the eye which will improve your vision. 

Who Is Best Suited To Have Excess Eyelid Skin Removal?

People who have:

  • Baggy or Droopy Eyelids
  • Excess Skin Of The Upper Eyelids That Interferes With Your Peripheral Vision
  • Excess Skin On The Lower Eyelids
  • Bags Under Your Eyes

Risks Of Blepharoplasty

There are a number of risks associated with having excess eyelid skin removal, as this is a small and delicate area, however these are rare and will be discussed in more detail at your consultation if they apply to you. These can include: 

  • Infection and bleeding
  • Dry, irritated eyes
  • Difficulty closing your eyes or other eyelid problems
  • Noticeable scarring
  • Injury to eye muscles
  • Skin discolouration
  • The need for a follow-up surgery
  • Temporarily blurred vision or, rarely, loss of eyesight

How Do You Prepare For A Blepharoplasty?

When you are going for your consultation for excess eyelid skin removal it is best to understand whether you are going to be under local or general anaesthesia. If you are going under local anaesthesia, you may feel concerns about the procedure, however you will be numbed. If you are under general anaesthesia, then you will be sedated so you will not experience anything. This is usually the case if the surgery is complicated or you are having more than one treatment. During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss:

Your Medical History: Before getting  excess eyelid skin removal, your surgeon will ask if you have ever had any other previous surgeries and whether you have any previous or current conditions. These conditions include dry eyes, glaucoma, allergies, circulatory problems, thyroid problems and diabetes. They will also ask whether you take medication, vitamins, herbal supplements, alcohol, drugs or if you smoke. 

Your Expectations: It is important to discuss your expectations of the eyelid skin removal and why you are wanting to get this surgery done as this can help to guide the surgeon on what you are after. This is great as the surgeon can then give you a run-through of what they can do for you.

What Will Happen Before I Have A Blepharoplasty?

A Physical Examination: The surgeon will conduct a physical examination which will include tear duct testing as they will want to see whether you can produce tears. They will also measure your eyelids. 

A Vision Examination: You will have a visual examination that will check your peripheral vision and your actual vision so that it can support insurance claims.  

Eyelid Photography: Your eyes will have a range of different pictures taken from different angles. This helps with surgery planning and assessing long term effects.

You will be asked to:

  • Stop Taking All Medication That Increases Bleeding (Aspirin, Ibuprofen)
  • Stop Smoking – This Can Reduce Healing Abilities
  • Arrange For Someone To Drive You To And From Surgery

The Recovery Process For Blepharoplasty

When recovering from eyelid skin removal such as an eye lift, medication will be applied to the wound. The good news is that an eye patch won’t usually be necessary! 

On the first day, you will want to be applying cold packs to the wound every hour for around 15 – 20 minutes at a time. This will help to reduce the swelling and bruising down to a minimum. This can be reduced to every couple of hours on the second day. After 48 hours, a warm compress should be applied as this will help to promote the healing process. The great part of having excess eyelid skin removal is that the painkillers used are usually over the counter rather than stronger medications.

Side Effects Following Excess Eyelid Skin Removal 

After the excess eyelid skin removal treatment, you should expect mild discomfort with a pretty speedy recovery but if things start to feel worse, consult your surgeon as soon as possible. 

Your eye will be red, bruised and you are likely to experience swollen eyes for the first couple of days when getting eye surgery to remove excess skin. The white of the eyes will be red and bloodshot too which will last for a couple of weeks. If you wear makeup, this should not be worn until fully recovered. If you wear glasses, you can wear them straight away, but leave contact lenses out until fully recovered. The stitches are also dissolvable so you will not need to go get them taken out.

For More Details on Excess Eyelid Skin Removal

If you would like any more information on excess eyelid skin removal, then you can contact us on 0161 401 4064. Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. If you would like to see some of our previous work then you can review our case study page.

What Is The Best Way To Get Rid of Loose Skin After Weight Loss?

Lockdown has been tough on some, with people getting sick, losing their jobs and having to stay in their home for months. It’s no wonder that many have been putting in the work on their personal development like losing weight and doing as much exercise as they can to get their bodies ready for the summer. There is nothing better than putting on an old pair of jeans and then realising that the jeans are a couple of sizes too big. All that time and effort has paid off, and you’re on the straight and narrow. If you have lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, you may notice that your skin is not as it used to be and you may find that your skin is loose and excessive. Many experience this and we get asked all the time, what is the best way to get rid of loose skin after weight loss? 

The main feature of the skin which is responsible for keeping it elastic is collagen as it allows the skin to expand when putting weight on. The issue is that the skin does not have the ability to shrink back when the weight is lost which causes loose and excessive skin. There are a few factors that come into play that affect the elasticity of the skin such as your age, genetics, the sun and whether you smoke or not. The longer you are overweight, the looser the skin will be after weight loss. Anything over 50 pounds of weight loss can cause loose skin, especially when you are mature. In this blog, we will discuss some of the best ways to get rid of loose skin after weight loss with some natural, surgical and non-surgical methods so that you can have a range of options to look into.


Best Ways To Get Rid Of Loose Skin After Weight Loss

Build Muscle Through Exercise

If you have been hard at work at the gym trying to get to your ideal weight, well done! But that’s only step one of the process. Crash diets and excessive cardio can make you lose weight but you also lose muscle which is another reason why you get excess skin. By increasing your mass through resistance training you can prevent muscle wastage and also help to get rid of that loose skin. Some of the best ways to get rid of loose skin after weight loss naturally is through strength training as this will expand your muscles and tighten the skin. High impact training helps to rejuvenate the skin which will in turn help to create elasticity as well as give the skin a more youthful appearance.

Supplement Collagen To Boost Production

There are thousands of creams, serums, ointments and capsules which are all said to rejuvenate your skin and make you look ten years younger which can work to an extent, but it won’t do as well as cosmetic procedures. Experts will concur that following a good skin routine that concentrates on your affected area can help to improve elasticity by adding collagen to the mix. Collagen has many benefits for the skin so it will help to firm and tone the skin which includes peptides and antioxidants. This is definitely one of the best non-intrusive ways to get rid of loose skin after weight loss. 

Ask About Non-Surgical Procedures

There is a growing trend of non-invasive procedures due to people not having to go under the knife whilst also being able to see noticeable results. Patients do need to be realistic with their expectations as it will not get the same results but it can look better than it did before. These are certainly a more desirable treatment as they are some of the best ways to get rid of loose skin after losing weight for those needing a small amount of work.

Best Non-Surgical Ways To Get Rid Of Loose Skin After Losing Weight

  • Laser: This is a minimally invasive surgery where an infrared light tightens the skin surface and heats the collagen under the skin. This requires around 2-3 sessions to see the best results.
  • Ultherapy: This is an ultrasound-guided treatment which is for more targeted skin layers. This is best for drooping eyes and neck skin restoration. This happens due to the thermal damage-inducing the production of collagen which helps to tighten the skin.
  • Microneedling: This is an electric device with pulsating needles that runs across the skin creating tiny holes. Due to the needles, the body goes into repair mode and starts to produce collagen which then in turn, fills up the holes which then creates tighter skin with improved texture. To see the best results this will need at least 6 sessions to be able to see noticeable changes and this is one of the best ways to get rid of loose skin around the neck after weight loss.

Ask About Cosmetic Surgery

If you have a lot of excess skin, it is definitely worth exercising and putting on some muscle before you consider cosmetic surgery. If you have explored other natural or less invasive treatments and still aren’t happy with the results, then cosmetic surgery is definitely one of the best and most effective ways to get rid of loose skin after weight loss.


A facelift is one of the best ways to get rid of loose skin after weight loss for around the neck and face. It aims to reposition the face and make it look tighter and more youthful. With modern techniques, a facelift doesn’t always require the removal of excess skin so this is a treatment to consider.  

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

Abdominoplasty is one of the best and most effective ways to get rid of loose skin after weight loss for the stomach as it can contour, rejuvenate and remove excess fat and skin. It also restores weakened and separated muscles. There are a range of different tummy tucks available for all different purposes such as the fleur de lis and the mini tummy tuck or even a mummy makeover which are great for women who have excess skin following pregnancy and childbirth.

If you would like more information on the best ways to get rid of loose skin after weight loss, then please don’t hesitate to call our team today on 0161 401 4064. Alternatively, you can fill in our contact form and we will gladly help out where we can and point you in the best direction for your needs. 


What Is An Eyebrow Lift?

Many people during the pandemic have been feeling the positive and negative effects of lockdown. Whether it is anxiety, depression or even just groggy, we have all been there. Some people have been trying to do whatever they can to make them feel great about themselves again. This could have been anything from doing a 30 minute run in the morning to make you feel fresh or going to the gym after work. Many people have been doing other things a little more surgical, such as looking into eyebrow lifts to help them feel rejuvenated, and to help reduce those lines on their face. If you are thinking about having an eyebrow lift, or have queries about exactly “what is an eyebrow lift”, then this blog is perfect for you. In this blog, we will go through what an eyebrow lift is and what to expect. 


What Is An Eyebrow Lift?

Many people question what is an eyebrow lift and what does it include? Well, an eyebrow lift is a surgical treatment that aims to raise and reposition the brow.  This provides a younger and more natural appearance to your forehead skin, upper eyelids and eyebrows. What an eyebrow lift is doing is making the skin firmer and tighter which reduces the number of visible lines making the skin look and feel much younger and healthier. 

Sagging is just another part of life that everybody has when they age, especially in the face. If the sagging is hiding your facial expression, then an eyebrow lift could be perfect to rejuvenate the upper face which has been tested and perfected. An eyebrow lift can refresh the appearance of the eye area, especially when combined with a blepharoplasty for an all-around rejuvenated look. 

There are many different reasons why people get an eyebrow lift, and the doctors will advise you to consider having one if:

  • Your appearance looks low and depressed due to sagging eyes.
  • You have deep horizontal creases across the forehead.
  • You have frown lines between the eyebrows or across the top of the nose.
  • Fatty tissue hangs from the eyelid


What Eyebrow Lift Variations Are There?

The answer to the question “what is an eyebrow lift” differs between patients, as there are numerous approaches to an eyebrow lift which include:

  • Temporal Brow Lifting: Using an incision behind the hairline which can also be used to lift the outer brow.
  • Direct Brow Lift: Used for very low brows which require an incision above the brow hairline.
  • Internal Browpexy: Performed whilst having blepharoplasty through the same incision.
  • Endoscopic Brow Lift: Keyhole incisions above the brow.


What Is The Difference Between An Eyebrow Lift and Blepharoplasty?

There are two variations of treatments that people get to rejuvenate their face and some get both done at the same time for an all-round look, hence the details of what an eyebrow lift is differs from patient to patient. Many people are torn between which one they should go for but once people understand them both, they usually go for a combination of the two as they prefer a better all-round look. A brow lift will rejuvenate the top half of your face where a blepharoplasty will concentrate on the eyelids which remove excess skin, muscle and fat. 

If you have found this information helpful and would like more information on what is involved in an eyebrow lift, then please don’t hesitate to use our contact form today and we will be in touch as soon as we can.


What Is A Fleur De Lis Abdominoplasty?

We all know that we should be happy with our bodies and not compare ourselves to others, but at the end of the day, we are only human, it’s part of our nature to want what other people have. We all have different body shapes and sizes and that shouldn’t stop you from feeling comfortable in your own skin. It is much easier saying that you want to get into shape than actually doing it, and many people try and it still doesn’t work. When you are flicking through a magazine, all you see are the most amazing looking people with their 8 packs and perfect silhouettes that everyone aspires to.  

When these magazines are helping you to get into shape and giving tips on healthy diets, they are only targeting very select groups of people and they make it out that everyone can get this look. Exercise and diet are only two sides of the story and if you have too much excess skin things will change only slightly. The shape and firmness of underlying muscles play a huge part in getting the figure you have always dreamt of. No magic creams or waist trainers will tighten your skin and repair your abdominal muscles once it has lost its elasticity. 

When you lose a lot of weight fast or have had bariatric surgery, there is usually a lot of excess skin and that needs removing to have the figure that you want. This can be done by having an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). There are five main abdominoplasties to be had for a range of different reasons. In this article, we will be going through what a fleur de lis abdominoplasty is and the essential pieces of information about them.


What Is A Fleur De Lis Abdominoplasty?

Many people ask the question what is a fleur de lis abdominoplasty as it’s not a surgery that you hear of every day. It focuses on removing large amounts of skin from the abdomen as well as removing any stubborn fat deposits and repairing abdominal muscles if required. This will help to show a better silhouette and will also leave you feeling amazing in your new body.  

A fleur de lis gets its name from the shape of the incisions. Firstly, the surgeon will remove a panel of skin that is shaped like the three petals of a fleur de lis. The top of the panel is close to the breastbone, whilst the side panels are near the hip bones which gives plenty of room to work with. 

Once the panels are removed, the surgeon will then start working on the fat deposits, which will either be removed or reshaped so that you have a straight stomach. Once the fat has been removed or reshaped, the surgeon will then look at your abdomen muscles. If the muscles are damaged and torn, then the surgeon will repair those muscles, just like any other abdominoplasty.


What Is The Difference Between A Fleur De Lis Tummy Tuck And Other Tummy Tucks? 

The basic features of the fleur de lis abdominoplasty are the same as any other tummy tuck. The difference between what a fleur de lis abdominoplasty is, and other abdominoplasties, is the different shape of the incisions and the extreme amount of skin that is removed.

A standard abdominoplasty only has one incision and that is on the lower abdomen. The procedure firstly removes an eye-shaped piece of excess skin from the lower abdomen. This then gets pulled so the stomach looks slimmer and younger.  This is the same for a mini tummy tuck too just smaller. The surgeon will determine the type of tummy tuck you will have by analysing the amount of excess skin and your expectations for the surgery. 

If you have found this information helpful and would like more information on what is involved in a fleur de lis abdominoplasty then please don’t hesitate to use our contact form today and we will be in touch as soon as we can. 


What Is The Difference Between A Mini Tummy Tuck and Full Tummy Tuck?

Many people ask what is the difference between a mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck. So, we are going to discuss the differences between the two to help you come to a decision about the best options for you if you are considering having either of the procedures. We will look at what the surgeries are, who they are suitable for, how you need to prepare for them and also what to expect after the surgeries. 


What Is The Difference Between A Mini Tummy Tuck and Full Tummy Tuck

The main difference between a mini tummy tuck and a fully tummy tuck is the area that is focused on. A mini tummy tuck rejuvenates the lower abdominal area by removing excess fat and skin, whereas a full tummy tuck (also known as an abdominoplasty) improves the appearance of the entire abdomen, again through the removal of excess fat and skin. 

A mini tummy tuck takes around 1.5-2 hours, whereas a full tummy tuck is slightly longer at around 3 hours. Deciding which option is right for you depends on the extent of the fat and skin that needs to be removed and also where it is located. This is something that can be decided along with your surgeon. 


What Is The Difference Between A Mini Tummy Tuck and Full Tummy Tuck Patient

Mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck patients are very similar. Both procedures are usually performed on patients who have excess skin following child birth, people who have lost a significant amount of weight or people who have had issues with previous abdominal surgery. As mentioned previously, the main difference is how much skin or fat needs to be removed and where it is, which will be determined on a patient by patient basis. 

So, answering what is the difference between a mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck patient can be difficult. When you have a consultation with your surgeon, you will discuss your expectations for the surgery and this will help to determine which procedure you have. 


What Is The Difference Between A Mini Tummy Tuck and Full Tummy Tuck Preparation

There is very little difference between the preparation for a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck as the procedures are so similar in nature. Both operations should be postponed if you feel unwell, you need to disclose any changes to your health, you should avoid smoking and taking the contraceptive pill for 6 weeks before the surgery and you should be a stable weight. 

It is also advised to not take aspirin, anti inflammatory drugs or herbal supplements before the surgery. Finally, it is also important to carefully consider whether you would like children after your procedure, as this can affect the results. So, in response to the question what is the difference between a mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck preparation, the answer is not much! 


What Is The Difference Between A Mini Tummy Tuck and Full Tummy Tuck Recovery

The recovery time for a mini tummy tuck is slightly shorter as it is a smaller procedure. You should avoid excess straining in the first week and will need to wear a support garment for 4-6 weeks. You can resume light exercise around a week after the surgery and regular exercise after 3-4 weeks. You will experience swelling for weeks or potentially months, which is expected. 

With a full tummy tuck, most of the same recovery rules apply although you have to avoid strenuous activity for two weeks, then you can begin to exercise lightly. However, you can’t return to normal exercise for 6 weeks. Again, answering the question what is the difference between a mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck recovery can be difficult, as the exact details will depend on each patient. 


Final Thoughts

To summarise, the main difference between a mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck is the area and size of the operation. Answering the question what is the difference between a mini tummy tuck and full tummy tuck can sometimes be complicated, as the specifics of each procedure will depend on your circumstances. 

If you would like to find out more information about the procedures, please visit our mini tummy tuck or abdominoplasty pages. To discuss your options with a member of our team or to book a consultation, we would love for you to contact us

What Is The Recovery After A Facelift Like?

A face lift is an operation designed to give patients a more youthful appearance by repositioning and enhancing the skin, rather than removing excess skin completely. We will be looking at recovery after a facelift, from immediately after the operation to a month afterwards. If you are considering this procedure, understanding the process of recovery after a facelift is important to help you visualise what the process might look like. 


Recovery After A Facelift – Week 1

After your facelift, you will most likely be back on the ward around an hour of the operation, in which you will be encouraged to eat, drink and begin to move around. At this point, a few hours post-operation, you can expect to experience tiredness, discomfort, bruising and swelling. Additionally, numbness around your face and neck is expected, which can take a few weeks or even months to reappear. 

Throughout the first week, you will notice the skin around the face and neck will feel more tight than usual which is normal and this should subside within a week or so when the bruising and swelling settles slightly. 

If all is well, you should be discharged from hospital 1-2 days after the facelift and you will need to be picked up from the hospital. You will also need to make some arrangements for help at home, especially support for your first few days after being discharged. Make sure you have plenty of rest to let your body recuperate. 

You must avoid contact with the hair and face as much as possible and you shouldn’t drive or exercise for a number of weeks, which will be decided by your surgeon. 


Recovery After A Facelift – Week 2

In week 2 of recovery, you will be seen in the dressings clinic in order to make sure that everything is healing well. If any changes need to be made in terms of your care, they can be established. At this point, you still need to be very careful to avoid contact with the hair and face to avoid infection or damage to the wounds. 

Although you will still experience some swelling and bruising, it will start to ease. You might be ready to do some very light exercise, such as short walks, although this will be discussed when you visit the dressings clinic. 


Recovery After A Facelift – Weeks 3 and 4

Depending on how you are healing, you are likely to have your stitches removed at some point during weeks 3 and 4. You should start to feel more like yourself, bruising and swelling will have reduced further and overall you should feel better. It is normal for swelling and bruising to be present and you won’t be able to truly see the results of the procedure just yet. 

You will notice redness where the incisions were made. Recovery after a facelift in terms of scarring can differ, although they should fade over time. Your surgeon may allow you to resume more normal exercising and general activities. 


Recovery After A Facelift – One Month After

One month after the surgery, you should begin to see the results of the procedure. Swelling and bruising is a natural part of recovery after a facelift, so it is going to take a while for these to disappear completely. Yet, at this point the new contour of the face may be seen. You will be able to start enjoying your everyday life with your new look. 


Final Thoughts

Recovery after a facelift differs between patients and the timeframes above are just rough guidelines. If you ever are concerned that something isn’t quite right, it is important that you contact your surgeon. 

To find out more information about the procedure, feel free to visit our face lift page. You can also get in touch through our contact page to speak to one of our Patient Care Advisors, to book an appointment or to simply find out more. 

Different Types of Body Contouring Procedures

Body contouring procedures have become increasingly popular in the last few decades, largely due to technological advancements. These modern techniques enable people to gain confidence in themselves and feel comfortable in their own skin. There are so many different options out there which can be discussed with your surgeon, yet here are three of the most popular body contouring procedures that are giving people a new lease of life! 


Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation, sometimes referred to as a breast enlargement or ‘boob job’, is a body contouring procedure that involves the insertion of implants below the breast tissue to increase the size of the breast and also to improve the overall shape. This is one of the most popular body contouring procedures out there. Not only does it make the breasts larger but it also helps to make the body look more proportioned in many cases. 

The shell of an implant is made of silicone, and then it is filled with either saline or silicone. The fill, shape and size of the implant will depend on personal preference, with advice being given by the surgeon. Full recovery can take around 6 weeks, with support bras needing to be worn. This body contouring procedure is likely to continue in popularity for years to come! 


Mummy Makeover

Mummy makeovers have become an extremely popular body contouring procedure in the last few years especially. This term refers to a combination of different procedures to help improve the contour of the breasts and stomach at the same time. Pregnancy can cause loose or sagging skin and breasts, which is what the mummy makeover is designed to change. 

The appeal of this body contouring procedure comes with the fact that in most cases, both the procedures on the stomach and breasts can be completed at the same time. This involves liposuction and/or an abdominoplasty, as well as a mastopexy and/or breast augmentation. The end result should reduce body fat whilst improving the contouring of the body. 


Brazilian Bum Lift

Another body contouring procedure that has gained mass popularity in the last few years is the brazilian bum lift. This is sometimes also referred to as BBL surgery and it involves having a buttock augmentation that looks natural. The aim of this body contouring procedure is to increase the size of the buttocks by transferring fat from one part of the body to the other, creating larger buttocks without needing to insert implants. 

The fat is usually removed from the hips, lower back and thighs which not only helps the bum to look bigger, but it also creates a better shape overall. Patients were travelling abroad for this body contouring procedure in order to access a reduction in price, yet the results are often very poor and there were various cases of patients dying as a result of the treatment. It is much safer to have this body contouring procedure done by a professional in the UK. The mortality rate for this operation is 1 in 3000, meaning surgeons are often very selective about who they allow to have the procedure. This is something you can discuss with the surgeon. 


Final Thoughts

Body contouring procedures can be fantastic for people’s confidence and can help people to feel much more comfortable in themselves. If you are interested in having a body contouring procedure or would like more information, please visit our breast augmentation or mummy makeover pages. You can also contact us to arrange a consultation!