Gary Ross named ‘Best for Breast and Tummies’ in 2015 by Tatler

It is an honour to be named in the Tatler beauty and cosmetic surgery guide “best for breast and tummies” 2015. The guide nominates only a handful of surgeons and it is great to be recognised in this way by the Tatler. Mr Ross would like to thank all the patients who have provided feedback and make his cosmetic surgery practice worthwhile.



Gary Ross awarded ‘Top 100 Doctor’ Award from realself

It is an honour to be awarded the prestigious title of realself top 100 doctor. This is a global award and Mr Ross is one of only two UK plastic surgeons who have received this award. It is an honour to have my image on time square and to be nominated alongside the leaders of the field in plastic surgery. For a full list of the top 100 please click below.