Should I Remove Breast Implants Before Pregnancy?

remove breast implants before pregnancy

Many people decide to have a breast augmentation before they have children and begin to question whether they should remove breast implants before pregnancy. It is a decision that is entirely up to you and individual circumstances can be discussed with your surgeon. However, it is safe to either keep them or remove breast implants before pregnancy. 

To find out more about which decision is right for you, take a look at the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding whether you should remove breast implants before pregnancy. 


Is It Essential To Remove Breast Implants Before Pregnancy?

It is not essential to remove breast implants before pregnancy. You can have a safe pregnancy and your implants will be fine, although the actual breast tissue can change. It is difficult to know exactly how each individual will be impacted by this, although as discussed below, having a breast lift to tighten sagging skin is often required after having breast implants, whether you have had children or not.


How Does Pregnancy Impact Breast Implants?

As the breasts get bigger as a result of breast milk, the skin stretches. The breasts then reduce in size after breastfeeding. Due to this, further surgery may be required later down the line in order to tighten the skin as some people experience sagging. This is one reason why people may remove breast implants before pregnancy. 

Although having children might speed up the process of skin sagging, having a breast augmentation revision to tighten the skin and correct the placement of implants is often required whether or not someone has children. Patients undergoing a breast augmentation should be informed that the tightening of this skin is almost always required at some point, as well as new implants around every 10 years. Essentially, this may not necessarily be a deciding factor about whether to remove breast implants before pregnancy, as the surgery will probably need to happen again anyway. 


Do Breast Implants Affect Breastfeeding?

Most people can breastfeed normally with breast implants, so this doesn’t need to be a significant concern when deciding whether to remove breast implants before pregnancy. If someone finds they struggle to breastfeed with implants, it is likely that they would have been unable to breastfeed anyway. 

The breasts are made up of very complex nerves, meaning in very rare cases, having a nipple incision to remove breast implants before pregnancy could damage minor ducts that are required for transmitting milk secretions. This could inhibit your ability to breastfeed, but again, it is very rare. 

Another very small possibility is that you will lose sensation in the nipple following breast implants. This can potentially make it more difficult to breastfeed, although this is not a common issue. If this is a concern making you consider whether to remove breast implants before pregnancy, discuss it with your surgeon. 


Final Thoughts

Whilst it is not essential to remove breast implants before pregnancy, some women decide it might be right for them. Discuss this with your surgeon as they will be able to give the best advice based on your personal circumstances. 

Overall, many women don’t remove breast implants before pregnancy and experience no issues. The main area of concern would be the appearance of the breasts due to sagging following pregnancy, and although pregnancy may speed up the process, this is likely to happen naturally anyway. 

If you want to remove breast implants before pregnancy, or it is something you are considering, feel free to visit our breast augmentation removal page to find out more information about the surgery. We have had many patients have their breast implants removed and you can browse through the case studies to see the before and after results. 

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