Preparing yourself for plastic surgery

So, why do people get plastic surgery?

Some people ask for plastic surgery in order to reverse the effects of time. They want to get their body back to its previous, youthful shape. Ageing, weight change, pregnancies – these all take their toll on our bodies. Some of these changes can be reversed by exercise, a healthy lifestyle and non-surgical treatments. However, there are those that can’t be corrected without surgery.

The majority of patients seek plastic surgery to correct an aspect of their body that they don’t like. These patients usually tinker with the idea of having surgery for a long period of time before they actually request it.


Is there anyone who shouldn’t go under the knife?

A classic example of someone who shouldn’t have plastic surgery is a patient with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). These patients experience obsessive worry about some aspects of their physical appearance. The flaw they perceive is usually minimal and not noticed by others. These patients will never be satisfied with plastic surgery because they will continue to notice small abnormalities and asymmetries. They will typically benefit far more from psychological help than surgery.


Another example of a patient who shouldn’t have surgery is someone undergoing it to please someone else, like a partner or spouse. Surgery is invasive and has short and long term consequences and should be purely the patient’s choice.


How do you mentally prepare for plastic surgery?

If someone is considering plastic surgery I advise them to learn about the procedure by reading and talking to people who have had similar procedures done. There are many social media platforms where patients can discuss their experiences. It’s also easy nowadays to find information online.

However, the pure volume of online information can be overwhelming. It can also sometimes be inaccurate or irrelevant to a particular case, which often causes confusion. For this reason, patients need to speak to a professional to sort the fact from the fiction. 


Mr Ross can advise his patients on all of the risks involved in a patient’s desired procedure and can offer expert advice on the best possible surgery options for that individual patient. Mr Ross tailors all of his surgeries to each individual patient in order to ensure that each patient achieves the best result they can. It is important to book in for a consultation with Mr Ross before considering any surgery in order to ascertain what surgery you wish to proceed with in order to achieve your desired results. 


During your consultation with Mr Ross, he will ensure that all of your expectations regarding your chosen surgery are reasonable and can be achieved. It is really important to be well informed before proceeding with any surgery, and Mr Ross ensures that all of his patients are well informed and have reasonable expectations. 


Mr Ross also offers an additional service to his patients requesting breast surgery. Due to the latest technology, Mr Ross can provide his patients with a virtual reality experience of their desired results. This software is called Crisalix and enables patients to view their body after it has been digitally altered to mirror their expected results. This is an excellent way for patients to mentally prepare for surgery. 


Any words of advice for people considering surgery?

  • Your body is unique and so should be your surgery – in plastic surgery, one size doesn’t fit all.
  • Make sure your surgeon is familiar with various techniques and modifications of the procedure you are interested in, as Mr Ross is.
  • A good surgeon is one who adapts and tailors various aspects of the procedure to meet the unique shape of your body and your specific needs, Mr Ross will ensure that each surgery is tailored to each specific patient’s needs.

Preparing For Cosmetic Surgery

Ask questions


One of the biggest things you can do to keep anxiety levels at bay when heading towards surgery is to ask your surgeon questions. When you come in for a consultation with Mr Ross you will discuss your surgery at length and your desired results. 

Mr Ross will explain the whole procedure along with any risks the surgery may involve and will make sure you are fully informed regarding the pros and cons. 


Take time out to reflect


Before going ahead with your procedure, take a couple of weeks to think about exactly what you want and what you would like to achieve with your chosen surgery. Also take a look at reviews from real patients on the RealSelf website. Before going ahead with any surgery, it is important that you are 100% confident in your chosen procedure and your surgeon. Reading Mr Ross’s reviews on will enable you to get a good feel of the quality Mr Ross provides.


Have a good night’s sleep


In preparation for your surgery ensure you get a good night’s sleep. We understand you may be anxious so getting to sleep and staying asleep may be difficult – this is one of the main factors of inducing stress and worry. Try to keep busy during the day and perhaps have an early night if you think you may struggle to stay asleep throughout the night. 


After surgery


It is important not to do too much too soon following surgery. Some women are keen to get back to their daily routine and exercise, but is important to allow your body to have plenty of time to recover. After a couple of weeks, you can start to get back to your routine and back to work. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle following surgery in order to maximise the longevity of your results. 


Mr Ross is always available via email, and you will also receive the nurse’s mobile phone number should you have any questions following surgery. Mr Ross and his team will do everything they can to ensure you have a smooth and uneventful recovery.


If you are considering a cosmetic procedure, make sure you book in for a consultation with Mr Ross to discuss all of your options.

Plastic surgery for Christmas?

It’s well known that gym membership signups spike at the turn of the year. 

Although many patients make decisions over the Christmas period to proceed with plastic surgery in the new year, these decisions should not be influenced by gifts received over the Christmas period.

The “gifting” of plastic surgery appears to be an increasing trend that potentially exploits patients at a vulnerable time. 

The increasing `commoditization` of cosmetic procedures, eg Christmas gift vouchers has also been highlighted by the Royal College of Surgeons and the General Medical Council. It is clearly stated that marketing must be responsible and must not trivialize interventions and must not exploit patients vulnerability. 

This “gifting” trend is a concern for patient safety and the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) has cautioned the use of Christmas gift vouchers, denouncing them as a cynical marketing ploys. 

Patients who receive plastic surgery gifts will have received them from someone on their behalf – whether it be a friend or family member. This is one of the fundamental problems with gifting as the motivation for the gift is propagated by the family member or friend. 

All patients need to make their own decision of whether to proceed with plastic surgery and they must not be incentivized or influenced by others in making this decision. This self motivation for patients is violated by gifting and places patients under pressure to use these gifts and proceed with treatments. They may feel that if they don’t proceed that they will be insulting the person who has given them the gift. 

All plastic surgery treatments have pros and cons and the risks of treatment need to be discussed prior to any decision to proceed.  This discussion must occur between a suitably qualified plastic surgeon and the patient and should not be influenced by gift vouchers. The risks are rarely provided with the gift voucher and rarely will these plastic surgery gift vouchers be refundable. 

Patients must make their own decision to proceed and must consult with a qualified plastic surgeon in order to determine whether plastic surgery is recommended and whether it can meet their expectations. Only after a detailed consultation can patients be empowered as to whether to proceed. 

Those who feel that the provision of plastic surgery gifts / vouchers is a caring and worthwhile Christmas present need to be aware of the implications of their actions and that they may be actually harming those that they have gifted plastic surgery to.


Christmas is a time for giving and no harm is the best present that a family member / friend can give.  

Plastic Surgery and the over 60’s. The stats revealed.

Around 15 million people in the UK are over 60 and this will increase to 20 million within the next 10 years. The number of people over 65 is anticipated to increase by 40% in the next 20 years. Mr Ross has seen a 200% increase in new referrals in his practice of over 60’s as compared to 5 years ago and it is likely this will continue to increase. The commonest procedures being requested are eyelid rejuvenation and facial rejuvenation.

Just as there is a lot of information about cosmetic surgery is available, there is even more information and awareness about improving diet and lifestyle. As such the current over 60’s are looking after themselves better than their predecessors. They feel younger than their predecessors and want to look as young as they feel. Many have looked after their skin for many years – have healthy diet and lifestyle, rarely overweight and they understand the risks more than younger patients. If anything, they are more concerned about the risks and their own safety in comparison with younger patients.


The biggest driver of the over 60’s when looking for cosmetic surgery or advice about cosmetic treatments is that they want safety and quality. They don’t want to consult with a sales team, can see through marketing and wish to consult with an experienced consultant that they can trust. They want to be given information and have time to decide rather than rushing into a treatment. Unlike younger generations the over 60’s are not looking to have cosmetic surgery for others, their expectations are realistic and they are able to weigh up the pros and cons of procedures. It is uncommon for patients in this age group to have underlying body image issues.


If they wish to proceed with cosmetic surgery, they want to be provided for in a safe environment and know that they will be looked after following surgery.


Mr Ross works in one of the largest private hospitals in the UK. All patients undergo preoperative assessment prior to surgery to make sure they can be optimized prior to surgery. 24/7 care is available throughout and Mr Ross and his team are available throughout the perioperative journey. All consultations are with Mr Ross himself and there is never any pressure or obligation to proceed at any time. Mr Ross will only offer surgery in less than 50% of patients who he consults with and aims to provide optimal care and advice to all patients to allow them to be empowered to proceed or not.


Our top five tips for a great recovery after surgery

After a cosmetic procedure, it is normal to feel tired and worn out, your body has undergone a huge change and needs time to rest and re-charge; and it’s important that you let it. Many patients want to accelerate the recovery process so they can go out and enjoy these new changes to their body. However, this can be detrimental to your health, and your long-term result. The following tips are a few things every patient can do to increase their chance of a successful recovery. 




Patients of Mr Ross are advised to stop smoking before any procedure, and so just because the surgery is complete does not mean it is time to start again. Smoking prevents successful healing and can lead to serious complications. It is important for patients to stay healthy after surgery, and so avoiding smoking is an absolute must. 




It is important to get lots of rest in the immediate period following surgery, however, you must not lie around for days doing nothing. It is important to get up and about, even just to step outside for a breath of fresh air. Moving around helps the body to heal and may also reduce pain, so try to increase your mobility each day after surgery.




While it is important to increase your mobility after surgery, for the first 48 hours it is also important not to be too active. Many patients are eager to get back to their routine, but it is important to do this in a safe manner and allow the body the healing time it needs. Too much too soon can compromise the results of the surgery, for this reason, in the weeks following surgery it is important for patients not to partake in rigorous exercise. The amount of time after surgery one can return to exercise varies with each surgery. Mr Ross will be there every step of the way with each patient following surgery and will let each patient know when it is safe to return to exercise. 




For the body to heal successfully, it must be paired with a positive mind-set. It is important following surgery to be positive about your results and manage your pain effectively with the pain medication provided. The first couple of days can be tough for some patients but it is vital to maintain a positive attitude throughout the healing process.

Every procedure and patient is different, and so healing time will be different for each individual. Following Mr Ross’s advice after surgery is our biggest tip, as his instructions will be crucial in ensuring a healthy and speedy recovery that allows your body to heal properly. 




It is really important to take the pain medication prescribed by Mr Ross. Some patients will try to ignore and push through the pain they experience, however this can be detrimental to your recovery. Blood pressure can increase as a result of pain and so managing this as Mr Ross has explained is crucial for the healing process.

New Year, New You! See What Water Can Do For You

Drinking water regularly is good for the body. It is also vital to our health that we stay properly hydrated as every single system in the human body relies on water to function.

Much like getting your five a day in fruit and vegetables you should start thinking of water as a nutrient and include it as part of your daily routine. 

Some people struggle to drink enough water because they become bored with the taste. A tip to get around this is to add fruit and other ingredients to your water. Strawberry and mint for example are a great combination when infusing your water. Adding different fruits to your water will help liven up the taste and will make it much easier to drink plenty.

Below are five top health benefits that you may not know about. 


  1. Great Brain

Your brain is made up of 80% water, so drinking it helps you in many ways including:

Reducing stress

Preventing and relieving headaches

Increasing oxygen and blood flow to your brain

Maintaining memory function

Helping to balance your mood and emotions

Improving concentration and your thought processes


  1. Weight Loss

Drinking water helps you lose weight as it makes you feel fuller for longer so it is acting as an effective appetite suppressant.

Drinking a glass of water before meal times leads to a reduction in food intake and therefore reduces the number of calories you consume during meal times. It also helps to prevent fluid retention, especially in pregnant woman where many do suffer from this, drinking water can help alleviate the symptoms and make your pregnancy more manageable and enjoyable.

Your body will not try to retain the water if it is getting enough in the first place.


  1. Detoxify

Your body fluids transport waste products in and out of your cells, while your kidneys and liver flush those waste products and other toxins out of your body. This process will only work properly and efficiently if you are well hydrated. When you are not drinking enough water, you increase the risk of developing kidney stones and experiencing urinary tract infections, along with constipation. Drinking plenty of water will aid these functions.


  1. Healthy Muscles

Water carries oxygen to the cells of your body, including those of your muscles. Being well hydrated enables your muscles to work harder and for longer before they feel tired, and this will help you build muscle.

When exercising it is extremely important to keep hydrated. Drinking water helps to lubricate the joints in your body and prevents muscle cramping.

Your muscles, including your heart, are made up of 75% water.


  1. Youthful Skin

Your skin contains 64% water and functions as a protective barrier to prevent excess fluid loss. Drinking plenty of water hydrates skin cells, plumping them up, making your face look younger and rejuvenated.

Moisturisers are pointless if you’re not drinking enough water as water helps to moisturise your skin, replenish skin tissues and also increase its elasticity. 

Many facelift patients complain of a lack of skin elasticity, this is mainly due to ageing, but if you drink plenty of water this will help prolong the ageing process, meaning your skin will have improved elasticity for longer.

Water also flushes out impurities and improves circulation and blood flow, helping your skin glow.


As you can see, proper hydration is critical to health and vitality. It is recommended that you drink at least 2 litres of water a day.  After a couple of days you will start seeing the benefits as well as feeling the benefits!


Mommy Makeover Insights

Becoming a mother is an incredible experience and there’s nothing quite like the elation that comes from having a new addition to the family. Unfortunately pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding can lead to loose skin, loss of muscle tone, sagging or deflated breasts, and weakened abdominal muscles. Although exercise and diet can help to give back body confidence there is an increasing trend to look at the mummy makeover to gain a one-stop rejuvenation. 


“Why have multiple cosmetic procedures when you may be suitable to have everything you wish for in one stage”


A mummy makeover can help transform your body back to the way it once was, offering a more rejuvenated and refreshed version of you. It can tighten and fix the affects of pregnancy and childbirth, so you can get your self-esteem and confidence back. A mommy makeover consists of a combination of procedures that create enhanced, rejuvenated breasts, and a more defined body. 




Lifting the skin and the breast tissue is a common request and this can be combined with breast augmentation or fat transfer. Fat transfer is an increasingly common request when abdominal rejuvenation is being performed at the same time. Fat can be harvested from the abdominal tissue that is being removed – thus limiting the downsides of irregularities that can occur from liposuction. Additional fat can also be removed from the flanks and other areas of the body to improve contour. For subtle volume enhancements with natural results, fat transfer in combination with a lift may be the ideal choice. 




The commonest request is an abdominoplasty procedure, which can be in the form of a mini tummy, tuck, a classic tummy tuck, a fleur de lis abdominoplasty, circumferential abdominoplasty or a body lift. The majority of young mums will opt for a classic tummy tuck with removal of excess skin, fat, tightening of the abdominal wall with waist definition combined with liposuction. 

Although the abdominal area is often the most important area for young mums to address the removal of additional fat in other areas is frequently considered. The buttock and legs are additional areas that patients look to address. Liposuction is not an alternative to diet and improved lifestyle and needs to be considered carefully. Where patients wish to consider fat transfer to the buttock region patients need to consider whether the fat is best utilized for breast rejuvenation and run through the pros and cons. 

“When can I have a mummy makeover procedure?”


It is best for anyone considering a mummy makeover to be at her ideal weight and to have completed her family. Mothers often feel guilty and are not sure what to tell the rest of their family. Taking time to make the decision to proceed is important and it is often best to have leave at least 12 months after completing ones family before proceeding as the body can change a lot during the post pregnancy period. 


Increasingly mothers do not wish to undergo more than one anesthetic / operation / recovery spending time away from their family and combining procedures is an attractive option. It is important that you consult with a plastic surgeon that has significant experience in mummy makeover procedures and that you are assessed regarding your suitability to undergo combination treatments. All patients in Mr. Ross’s practice undergo a thorough preoperative assessment to ensure safety. Mr. Ross works with a dedicated team in one of the largest private hospitals in the UK and aims to provide the safest possible environment for patients. With a vast experience in mummy makeover procedures Mr. Ross can provide one-stage mummy makeover procedures in less than 3 hours in the majority of cases. It is well known that decreasing the surgical time limits complications and this must be the priority for all young mums. Mr. Ross does not use drains and patients are mobilized immediately following surgery and understands that young mums wish to be able to get back to every day life and enjoy their family as soon as possible.


Mommy Makeover


A mommy makeover is a procedure designed to rejuvenate the areas of your body affected by pregnancy. This procedure typically focuses on the breasts and the abdomen. During pregnancy, the breasts can become larger along with the stomach, and so after birth, these areas can tend to sag. A mommy makeover will attempt to correct this sagging skin with a tummy tuck of some kind and breast rejuvenation surgery. Breast rejuvenation surgery does not necessarily involve implants. If you are looking for breast rejuvenation surgery, without implants, then there are other options available. For example, Mr Ross offers autologous fat transfer to the breasts; this involves taking the fat from one area of the body and transferring it to the breasts. This procedure can make the breasts look fuller and so reduce the appearance of sagging breasts. Another option available to those wishing to avoid implants is a mastopexy procedure, this procedure involves removing the excess skin from the breasts and lifting them, it is also known as an uplift. A third option available is a breast reduction, this procedure again involves the removal of excess skin and Mr Ross will construct a new, smaller breast. A mastopexy and a breast reduction can both be paired with breast implants if desired. Mr Ross offers the best advice regarding all of the patients options, and always with the patients best interests in mind. 

When to consider a Mommy Makeover:


  • If your pregnancy has affected the shape and size of your breasts, and you are not happy with the resulting affect this has had
  • If your pregnancy has caused excess sagging skin on your tummy and you are unhappy with its appearance
  • If you’re unhappy with your sagging skin and stretch marks
  • If pockets of fat on your torso do not improve with diet and exercise






  • This procedure can restore a more youthful look to the breasts and tummy
  • Your clothes and swimwear will fit better
  • This procedure can restore a more youthful appearance to your body shape
  • Your confidence will improve
  • You will be more confortable with your body shape




  • If you choose to get breasts implants, they will require monitoring and possibly replacement
  • If you choose to get pregnant following these surgeries, the results may be compromised.
  • If you gain weight after these surgeries the results may be compromised.


Are you a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover?


If you are unhappy with the shape of your body after pregnancy and wish to alter these effects, then you should consider a Mommy Makeover.


It is important to remember that you must be at your ideal weight before opting for surgery, as a difference in weight can alter the appearance of the results of surgery. 


If you are in good general health, are comfortable with your current weight and have realistic expectations, then you are most likely a good candidate for a Mommy Makeover.


Do breast capsules need to be removed in patients with capsular contracture following breast augmentation?

Capsular contracture is believed to develop following breast augmentation due to chronic inflammation possibly caused by a bacterial biofilm.

Removal of all of the capsule (capsulectomy) is seen by many as the preferred treatment for women wishing to reduce the symptoms and signs of capsular contracture. However a capsulectomy requires additional surgery, morbidity, increasing operating time, and patient discomfort. In some cases it is very difficult to remove the entire capsule especially from the chest wall. 

Release of the capsule (capsulotomy) is seen as a lesser procedure. This procedure is however relatively quick with minimal discomfort and gives additional tissue coverage for any subsequent implant. 

Recently Dr Swanson has published his experience of capsulotomy as a treatment of capsular contracture.  He concluded that “Capsular contracture after a breast augmentation may be safely and effectively treated with an open capsulotomy, reducing patient morbidity and cost associated with alternative treatments.”

Dr Swanson however does describe an increased incidence of capsular contracture in the presence of ruptured or leaking silicone gel implants when using the open capsulotomy technique.

Mr. Ross agrees that all patients wishing to treat capsular contracture with removal and replacement of breast implants should understand the pros and cons of a total / partial capsulectomy and a capsulotomy. If implants are ruptured or leaking preoperatively a total capsulectomy may be considered to be the optimal treatment method. Where implants are intact a partial capulectomy or capsulotomy may be a better choice for patients. 

In revisionary breast augmentation Mr. Ross will always send some of the capsule for pathological evaluation and thus theoretically always performs a total / partial capsulectomy. However in the case of partial capsulectomy the extent of removal can be limited so that the morbidity / operative time of a partial capsulectomy is similar to that of a capsulotomy. 

In the case of late onset seroma in combination with capsular contracture Mr. Ross advocates removal of the entire capsule along with the implant in the form of an enbloc total capsulectomy.

Like Dr Swanson, Mr. Ross preforms breast augmentation revisionary procedures through an inframammry incision. 

The evidence to support the management of capsular contracture is difficult to interpret and patients need to be guided and be empowered to make the decision on which method to choose.



Swanson E. Open Capsulotomy: An Effective but Overlooked Treatment for Capsular Contracture after Breast Augmentation. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2016 Oct 4;4(10):e1096.

Maintaining your results after liposuction

With the summer season fast approaching, one of the more commonly requested procedures that patients ask for is liposuction. The decision to undergo liposuction can result in an improvement in the appearance and contour of your body. Most patients report a huge boost in their self-confidence after undergoing liposuction, and maintaining results after liposuction requires adopting certain lifestyle modifications.

One of the most important changes you can make is to exercise regularly. In the early postoperative period, it is best to avoid vigorous exercise while you’re recovering from your liposuction procedure. Mr Ross recommends that his patients mobilise themselves frequently in the days and weeks following surgery. Not only will this help prevent blood clots and other complications, it can help getting you feeling back to normal quicker. Once you’ve fully healed from the procedure, Mr Ross will clear you to resume a regular exercise routine.

Alongside a regular exercise schedule, patients should aim to be eating healthy. It is true that most of the visible benefits of exercise won’t be appreciated without a healthy diet. In general, you want to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein into your diet, while reducing the intake of sugars, simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. Eating several smaller meals throughout the day will help maintain your energy levels and keep you from feeling deprived between meals. Drinking a sufficient amount of water during the day is also important. Staying hydrated helps control hunger, maintains a healthy metabolism and aids in digestion.

Although liposuction can dramatically improve the contours of your body, you can still gain weight after liposuction, albeit in different areas of your body. By maintaining a regular exercise schedule, eating a healthy diet and choosing a healthy lifestyle, you’ll enjoy your new contours for a long time.