With the summer season fast approaching, one of the more commonly requested procedures that patients ask for is liposuction. The decision to undergo liposuction can result in an improvement in the appearance and contour of your body. Most patients report a huge boost in their self-confidence after undergoing liposuction, and maintaining results after liposuction requires adopting certain lifestyle modifications.
One of the most important changes you can make is to exercise regularly. In the early postoperative period, it is best to avoid vigorous exercise while you’re recovering from your liposuction procedure. Mr Ross recommends that his patients mobilise themselves frequently in the days and weeks following surgery. Not only will this help prevent blood clots and other complications, it can help getting you feeling back to normal quicker. Once you’ve fully healed from the procedure, Mr Ross will clear you to resume a regular exercise routine.
Alongside a regular exercise schedule, patients should aim to be eating healthy. It is true that most of the visible benefits of exercise won’t be appreciated without a healthy diet. In general, you want to incorporate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein into your diet, while reducing the intake of sugars, simple carbohydrates and saturated fats. Eating several smaller meals throughout the day will help maintain your energy levels and keep you from feeling deprived between meals. Drinking a sufficient amount of water during the day is also important. Staying hydrated helps control hunger, maintains a healthy metabolism and aids in digestion.
Although liposuction can dramatically improve the contours of your body, you can still gain weight after liposuction, albeit in different areas of your body. By maintaining a regular exercise schedule, eating a healthy diet and choosing a healthy lifestyle, you’ll enjoy your new contours for a long time.