Are There Any Benefits Of A Breast Reduction?

As a woman, you may encounter some physical symptoms such as back pain and neck ache. What you may not realise is that your large breasts will be the result of this.

It’s common for females with large breasts to experience discomfort when their breasts aren’t necessarily in proportion with the rest of their body. As you get older and potentially experience a form of weight gain, it can cause your shoulders to naturally roll forward which compresses the nerves and fibers in this area. Over time, this pain can be difficult to deal with. 

This where you could see the benefits of a breast reduction. When you go through your consultation with your surgeon, you’ll be able to discuss your issues and worries. From here, you can come to an informed decision of whether breast reduction surgery is right for you but there can be some benefits from a breast reduction that’s important to be aware of.

1. Prevent the possibility of back pain

The weight of your large breasts can cause discomfort in areas such as your back, neck and shoulders. You have many options available to you when it comes to choosing the size of your breasts, although this will also depend on your own individual needs and circumstances.

By reducing the size of your breasts, you can help to alleviate this pressure that you have on your neck, back and pain. This can prevent future discomfort in the future. 

2. Body becomes more in proportion

A large reason why you may feel discomfort is because your body is disproportionate in frame to support the weight of your breasts. If you reduce the size of your breasts, you can help to balance your figure in proportion with your breasts. Your breasts can also appear perkier and in well-shape.

3. Easier for clothing fits

Due to the disproportionate figure that you have, you may find that finding clothes that fit can be difficult. Although it may fit perfectly in some aspects of your body, it necessarily won’t with your chest area. This can become extremely frustrating and you may end up making alternative choices just so your clothes can fit you well. 

When you have breasts that are proportionate to the rest of your body, it alleviates the stress that you may have whilst you’re shopping or choosing your outfit for the day. You’ll also feel less discomfort from bras that can dig into your skin or cause scarring and marks on your skin. 

4. Exercise becomes more enjoyable

Another possibility with benefits of a breast reduction is feeling more comfortable with your exercise. Understandably, women tend to feel conscious about how large their breasts appear in their fitness clothing.

Having smaller breasts can prevent this paranoia that you have when you go to train. It may also help with the workouts themselves. You may find that with some exercises, they’re difficult to perform because of the weight or size of your breasts. Smaller breasts can help to prevent this complication.

5. Quick recovery time

The aftercare and safety of your body is most important after you go through surgery. A large benefit of breast reduction surgery is that the downtime and recovery are relatively short. It’s still important that you follow the steps of aftercare advised by your surgeon, but this recovery can be relatively small.

Thinking of the best benefits of breast reduction for you

Whilst these can be common benefits of a breast reduction surgery, you need to think about your own reasons for wanting a breast reduction in the first place. Think about the possible problems that you’re personally having and then work out whether a breast reduction will help you to overcome these issues. 

If you’d like more information on breast reduction then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our article which goes into more detail about breast reduction and its benefits.

Common Questions to ask During a Breast Reduction Consultation

There can be many reasons why you’d consider a breast reduction procedure. These may include poor posture, back pain or even issues with purchasing clothing. Before going into surgery, you would require a breast reduction consultation. This allows you to discuss the procedure with your surgeon in more detail.

Initially, when you begin your search for where to have breast surgery you may not even know where to start. Considering it’s such a serious procedure, you may want to research further details before you go ahead with it to calm your nerves and ensure your safety. Doing this and going through a consultation can help to answer many questions that you have about breast reduction.

Surgeons may perform the surgery in different ways, which is why questions are best answered by your surgeon directly. To make sure that you’re in good hands when it comes to the surgery and you’re fully prepared, here is an idea of the questions that you can ask at your breast reduction consultation.

Questions about your surgeon

Requesting a breast reduction consultation does not mean that you’re obligated to have the surgery performed. You want to make sure that your surgeon is fit for purpose to perform your procedure. 

By asking questions, it simply shows that you’re concerned about your well-being and ensuring that your surgeon is able to fulfil your expectations as best as possible. At the same time, your surgeon should be able to answer your questions clearly enough for you to understand. Some questions you can ask directly to the surgeon can be the following:

  • What was your medical training speciality during education?
  • Have you been practising cosmetic surgery for a while?
  • How many breast reduction procedures have you performed?

About your breast reduction surgery

Every patient is different when it comes to their preference of breast reduction. Your breast size won’t be the same as another patient, which means how your surgery is performed may be different to others. This is so the surgeon can cater the surgery to your unique body shape and size.

During your breast reduction consultation, question your surgeon on their technique and how they’d perform the procedure. There are different shaped breasts that can be used to decrease your breast size and different techniques, such as liposuction. Questions you can ask about your procedure may include:

  • What can I do pre-surgery to ensure it goes smoothly? 
  • Will scarring occur? If so, how visible will it be?
  • What anaesthesia will be used during surgery?
  • Do you have any other case studies of patients that have had a surgery similar to me?

Recovering from breast reduction surgery

Surgery can be extremely stressful both physically and mentally on your body. Asking questions about your recovery during a breast reduction consultation is therefore extremely common. You’ll want to know how long it takes to recover and the best ways to do so as quickly as possible. Surgeons tend to have various methods to help with your recovery so it’s important to run related questions by them. You may want to know:

  • How long do I need to take off work?
  • What activities can and can’t be performed?
  • Will there be various medications that I need to take? What will these be? 
  • What are the common complications that I should look out for?

The Gary Ross team is dedicated to ensuring ultimate comfort for you during your surgery. With years of experience, you can be sure that you’re in the best hands when it comes to your breast reduction surgery. At the same time, we also welcome any questions that you have during your breast reduction consultation.

Visit our breast reduction surgery page if you wish to explore the procedure in more detail. You can also take a look at our breast reduction case study page to see patients who have gone through the surgery in the past.