Arm Lift Case Study 6


Increased fat and skin deposition in upper arms improved using a limited arm lift incision with repositioning of the inner areas of the arms and simultaneous liposuction.


Arm Lift Case Study 15


This lady wished to wear clothes that allowed her to show her arms and felt uncomfortable with the excess bulk in her upper arms. This restricted her clothing and affected her confidence. An arm lift does replace the excess skin and fat with a scar that runs from the elbow around the armpit and down the chest wall. If correctly placed this is not easily visualized. It does take some time for this scar to settle and patients need to massage the scars and return to a full range of movement as a soon as possible in order to prevent any contracture of the scars. The results seen at 3 months show a dramatic improvement in the arm contour and the patient’s quality of life has been improved and she is now able to wear the clothes she wants.


Arm Lift Case Study 5


This lady was unhappy with how the excess skin gathered in the upper arm. She did not have a lot of excess soft tissue and repositioning and volumising the arm to reduce this fine creepiness is sometimes required to improve the contour. The scars can be positioned so that they are not visible from the front.


Arm Lift Case Study 8


Extensive skin excess in the arm pit and the whole of the upper arms with excess also in the upper chest. Improved using a classic arm lift incision and repositioning of the inner arm tissue and simultaneous liposuction. An extended incision onto the chest wall and to the elbow was required in this case.


Arm Lift Case Study 9


Excessive skin and fat excess in the upper arm extending onto the chest requiring an extended armlift to improve contour with an improved axillary contour.


Arm Lift Case Study 7


Improved contour as seen from the back with a decrease in the volume of the arms and upper chest using liposuction in combination with an arm lift.


Breast Augmentation Case Study 139

This lady has low height, moderate projected anatomical breast implants placed above the muscle. She wished to achieve the ideal aesthetic shape with 55% of the volume of the breast being in the lower pole. Where the breast footprint sits at a reasonable height moderate height implants are a good choice. Where the nipples sit central on the breast again moderate projected implants are similarly a good choice. There is always a selection of options for patients and Mr Ross uses 3D technology and virtual reality to try and give patients a realistic expectation of the result and how this can change with different implants. Bio dimensionally breast implants should fit the width of the chest wall although the width, height and projection can all be altered slightly to provide differing volumes and results. Consulting with a plastic surgeon with experience of using anatomical implants and 3D technology is in Mr Ross’s opinion essential in being empowered to proceed.

When considering breast augmentation with breast implants it is important to consider all the various breast rejuvenation techniques which include breast lift with fat/implantsbreast lift alone and the use of autologous fat transfer.

At a consultation, it is important to run through all the pros and cons and the various options of breast rejuvenation surgery so that you can be empowered to proceed. Mr Ross will show you various preoperative and postoperative results so that you can understand what can be achieved and what is to be expected. Mr Ross uses bio dimensional planning, 3D software and virtual reality to help you through your journey and there is no limit to the number of consultations required prior to surgery.

Mr. Ross is a plastic surgeon that underwent specific training in plastic surgery. Mr. Ross successfully completed his FRCS (plast), obtained his CCT and is listed on the GMC specialist Register for Plastic surgery (Number 4220633). Mr. Ross has a vast training in aesthetic surgery throughout his plastic surgery training including the techniques utilized in “cosmetic surgery”. Mr. Ross is a full member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS); British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Association of Breast Surgeons (ABS) and is regularly appraised on an annual basis. He has successfully revalidated and “cosmetic surgery” is an established part of his scope of practice. Mr Ross is the only plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Manchester, the North West of England and the United Kingdom in full time private practice, who is a full member of BAAPS, BAPRAS and ABS.

Breast Augmentation Case Study 138

This lady has moderate height, moderate projected anatomical breast implants placed above the muscle. She wished to achieve the ideal aesthetic shape with 55% of the volume of the breast being in the lower pole. Where the breast footprint sits at a reasonable height moderate height implants are a good choice. This lady also opted to have anatomical implants placed above the muscle. Although implants above do not disrupt the muscle and can be placed more in the midline the downside is that the top of the implant can become more palpable over time. The current cohesive gel implants have been developed to reduce this phenomenon. Patients need to be taken through the pros and cons as in this case both round / anatomical / above / under are all options.

Bio dimensionally breast implants should fit the width of the chest wall although the width, height and projection can all be altered slightly to provide differing volumes and results. Consulting with a plastic surgeon with experience of using anatomical implants and 3D technology is in Mr Ross’s opinion essential in being empowered to proceed.

When considering breast augmentation with breast implants it is important to consider all the various breast rejuvenation techniques which include breast lift with fat/implantsbreast lift alone and the use of autologous fat transfer.

At a consultation, it is important to run through all the pros and cons and the various options of breast rejuvenation surgery so that you can be empowered to proceed. Mr Ross will show you various preoperative and postoperative results so that you can understand what can be achieved and what is to be expected. Mr Ross uses bio dimensional planning, 3D software and virtual reality to help you through your journey and there is no limit to the number of consultations required prior to surgery.

Mr. Ross is a plastic surgeon that underwent specific training in plastic surgery. Mr. Ross successfully completed his FRCS (plast), obtained his CCT and is listed on the GMC specialist Register for Plastic surgery (Number 4220633). Mr. Ross has a vast training in aesthetic surgery throughout his plastic surgery training including the techniques utilized in “cosmetic surgery”. Mr. Ross is a full member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS); British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Association of Breast Surgeons (ABS) and is regularly appraised on an annual basis. He has successfully revalidated and “cosmetic surgery” is an established part of his scope of practice. Mr Ross is the only plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Manchester, the North West of England and the United Kingdom in full time private practice, who is a full member of BAAPS, BAPRAS and ABS.

Breast Augmentation Case Study 132

Where a breast footplate sits low on the chest the best way to try and address this is to use a tall height breast implant to give back the appearance that the breast starts higher on the chest. An anatomical implant has a gentle slope at the upper pole to prevent palpability in this area. Where the nipples sit low and the lower pole is empty an anatomical implant allows the lower pole to be filled and allows the nipple to be elevated. The one concern of this approach is the development of a double bubble effect and during surgery the pocket needs to be developed and secured to keep the implants at the desired level on the chest wall.

Breast Augmentation Case Study 147

The risks of palpability and capsular contracture are thought to be higher when round implants are placed above the muscle. This lady wished to achieve upper fullness and opted for round implants under the muscle in a dual plane position. A dual plane breast augmentation provides cover of the implant in the upper pole and helps to prevent palpability in the upper pole.

When considering breast augmentation with breast implants it is important to consider all the various breast rejuvenation techniques which include breast lift with fat/implants breast lift alone and the use of autologous fat transfer.

At a consultation, it is important to run through all the pros and cons and the various options of breast rejuvenation surgery so that you can be empowered to proceed. Mr Ross will show you various preoperative and postoperative results so that you can understand what can be achieved and what is to be expected.

Mr. Ross is a plastic surgeon that underwent specific training in plastic surgery. Mr. Ross successfully completed his FRCS (plast), obtained his CCT and is listed on the GMC specialist Register for Plastic surgery (Number 4220633). Mr. Ross has a vast training in aesthetic surgery throughout his plastic surgery training including the techniques utilized in “cosmetic surgery”. Mr. Ross is a full member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS); British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) Association of Breast Surgeons (ABS) and is regularly appraised on an annual basis. He has successfully revalidated and “cosmetic surgery” is an established part of his scope of practice. Mr Ross is the only plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Manchester, the North West of England and the United Kingdom in full time private practice, who is a full member of BAAPS, BAPRAS and ABS. Mr Ross was the first cosmetic surgeon to be certified by the Royal College of Surgeons for cosmetic breast surgery including breast augmentation.