Metro Online – mental health and cosmetic surgery
May Metro: What implications come with undergoing cosmetic surgery, and how can you avoid getting an unsatisfactory result? Mr Gary Ross spoke to Metro newspaper
Experts see a surge in women wanting to correct botched treatments
Experts see a surge in women wanting to correct botched treatments Mr Gary Ross, who consults from the BMI The Alexendra Hospital in Cheadle, sys
UK Plastic Surgeon reveals top cosmetic surgery trends
UK Plastic Surgeon reveals top cosmetic surgery trends Mummy makeovers, breast and body rejuvenation surgery led the way in 2017 according to plastic surgeon Mr
Mirror: Grandfather Issues Warning About Sun Danger
A GRANDFATHER-of-four who lost skin from half his head through cancer has issued a warning over safety in the sun. Alun Smith, 85, bravely shared
Gary Ross On Channel 5 ‘OMG’
Mr Ross was asked by Channel 5 to consult with a patient wishing to have buttock augmentation. In this consultation that was performed live at
Gary Ross On BBC Radio 5 LIVE
The cosmetic industry continues to grow. In order to protect patient’s interests, there has been an increased focus on regulation of the industry and the