March 2014 Pannone Conference

One of the most important aspects of aesthetic practice is the adherence to treatment pathways, appropriate information giving and consent. Mr Ross was an invited speaker on this important course hosted by Pannone, one of the largest legal firms concerned with medical negligence. Increasingly patients require information at all stages of the treatment process which although time consuming is invaluable for both patients and doctors alike. The taking of consent needs to be tailored not just to the procedure but to the patient and how treatments can affect that individual.

This information giving and consent and subsequent treatments need to be given by the clinician carrying out the treatment. All clinicians should be part of an appraisal and revalidation process, work within their procedural competence and within suitably recognised CQC establishments. Patient safety is imperative and although complications can occur, by adhering to strict guidance such as the GMC, clinicians can protect themselves against clinical negligence.


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