Mastopexy Implant Case Study 39
This lady was unhappy with the emptiness in the upper pole and also wished to have an increase in volume. The options include a breast
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 36
This lady wished to elevate her nipples and increase volume. The options include a one stage or two stage technique. An augmentation only in this
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 35
This lady initially had a breast augmentation with a mastopexy using a periareola scar only. The periareola scar can only lift the nipple a short
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 30
This lady wished to achieve upper fullness and have her nipples lifted. She has asymmetry both in terms of volume and in terms of shape.
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 29
This lady has wide areola and a mastopexy implant is more risky in this patient. The postop image is at 6 weeks and the scars
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 28
This lady had a clotting abnormality and chose to undergo an areola reduction mastopexy rather than one with a vertical scar. The postop image is
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 27
This lady has had a mastopexy implant using a vertical and horizontal scar pattern. The postop image is taken at 9 months postoperatively and the
Mastopexy implant Case Study 24
When the nipple sits below the level of the breast fold a mastopexy is the best way to give long term results in terms of
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 20
A mastopexy implant 3 months postoperatively. Anatomical implants in a sub glandular position have been used to improve the aesthetics of the breast.
Mastopexy Implant Case Study 14
The breast preoperatively sits low on the chest wall. Although there is sufficient breast tissue to give a reasonable result with a mastopexy only this