Mummy makeover procedures are at a high – and celebrities may be the reason
Some women choose to undergo cosmetic procedures designed specifically to tackle the issues left behind by pregnancy.
This type of surgery usually falls under the mummy makeover category. You can learn more about this via the treatment page if you so wish.
The rise in trends
We’ve always seen patients seeking cosmetic surgery in order to improve the appearance of the mid section and breasts, which can change as a result of carrying a child and breast feeding.
When two or more procedures are combined, such as a tummy tuck and breast uplift, this would likely be classed as a mummy makeover.
But recently we’ve seen a rise in the numbers of women seeking the skills of plastic surgeons to rejuvenate their bodies post pregnancy.
Why is this? We think it may be due to the rise in famous ‘yummy mummies’ and the use of social media.
Do celebrities make a difference?
When a celebrity becomes a mother we see the baby, as well as her post-baby body, all over social media channels. Apps like Instagram, which are photo-led, show a version of parenthood that may come as a surprise to other new mums. Most notably when it comes to snapping back into shape.
The mummy makeover movement has gained momentum with the likes of Cheryl Tweedy, who gave birth just 10 months ago, being snapped looking remarkably toned and slim.
And there’s no doubt these women are behind the trend for normal women to seek cosmetic surgery to keep up.
In the news
The Daily Mail spoke to Mr. Gary Ross in February about the rise in mummy makeovers, which can include two or more forms of body rejuvenation surgery and body contouring procedures.
He told the newspaper:
“The term “mummy makeover” is increasingly being used in cosmetic practice. It is a term that is often applied to the combination of body and breast rejuvenation surgery.
‘This can include Body-jet fat transfer to reshape the midsection, and we see mums of Cheryl’s age choosing this to get back in shape after having children.
“When considering a mummy makeover it is best to be at your ideal weight and have completed your family.”
Making the right decision for you
Someone should only undergo cosmetic surgery if they believe it will improve their life. No one should choose procedures or trends based on what their favourite celebrity has to say.
Often images on social media have been edited in order to appear better or ‘improved’ and the representation of the person may not always be accurate.
If you’d like to book a consultation to discuss your needs, this is a great opportunity to learn more about body contouring surgery and how it may be helpful to you.
Use the contact pages if you wish to book a consultation or speak to a member of the team about mummy makeovers and body reshaping surgery.