Uplift With Implants
Previously in our vlog series, we discussed how fat transfer can be used in a breast uplift procedure after having abdominoplasty surgery. In this video, we look at a mastopexy with implants surgical procedure as another alternative breast lift operation which can contribute to fuller looking breasts when combined with abdominoplasty surgery.
The breast uplift procedure that uses breast implants can help to raise nipple complex, elevating them on the chest. It essentially can give back to patients what they may have lost whilst going through pregnancy. There are, however, pros and cons to having an implant surgery compared to a minimal non-invasive procedure like a fat transfer. It’s recommended to discuss this matter with your doctor before having a mastopexy with implants performed.
Within the video, there’s further detail provided on how the mastopexy with implants is performed and how combining both abdominoplasty and mastopexy together can provide benefits to the patient. Several images are taken from a case study showing the effects of the surgery in the video and highlight the results of the patients’ fuller appearing breasts.
If you’d like more information on abdominoplasty surgery or a fat transfer procedure then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our mastopexy implant case study page to see more examples of results from our performed treatments.