Our next vlog discusses excess skin removal after weight loss with a mummy makeover plastic surgery. Many women develop excess skin in their abdominal region when they go through dramatic weight loss, especially after pregnancy. Therefore, they’ll be looking at ways of how to tighten loose belly skin after weight loss.
In this video, we go into more detail about how a mummy makeover plastic surgery can help to remove the excess skin removal after weight loss and how methods can be combined with the procedure for better results. Also, further details are shared on the way a breast reconstruction using fat transfer can be used to rejuvenate the breasts during the mummy makeover plastic surgery.
A case study is provided showing a patient going through a mommy makeover, with before and after pictures. In the pictures, you can see how much loose abdominal skin has been removed after the surgery has taken place. The patient also decided to have breast reconstruction using the fat transfer procedure so that her breasts appear fuller than what they originally were.
If you’d like more information on mummy makover surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our mummy makeover case study page to see more examples of results from our performed treatments.