A step by step guide to breast augmentation recovery
When considering a boob job, having an understanding of breast augmentation recovery is vital. Breast enlargement surgery is an invasive procedure as will require a recuperation period.
Mr Ross performs may breast enlargement and rejuvenation procedures every year. The most popular remains breast augmentation, which is designed to make the breast bigger using implants.
Understanding the breast augmentation aftercare stages is helpful in ensuring a swift and safe recovery. Every patient is different, so it’s important to note this will not be exactly the same for every woman.
Below you will find some commonly asked questions to help you make sense of breast augmentation recovery, and how to maximise your recovery period.
If you have any other questions you can email the clinic.
What happens straight after breast augmentation surgery?
Immediately after breast augmentation surgery you’ll be taken to a recovery ward. How long you stay here depends on your surgical outcome, and how well you respond to the anaesthetic.
You will be in bandages and will not be able to drive. It’s advised you have a family member to help you leave the hospital.
Does it take a long time to recover from a breast augmentation?
This is entirely down to the patient and the surgical outcome. Initially, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling post surgery. You will not immediately be able to tell the results of breast augmentation surgery due to bruising and swelling.
You’ll be given breast augmentation aftercare advice upon leaving the hospital. This will include washing, sleeping and clothing guidance. If you follow the advice given by your surgeon you can expect to have a swift recovery.
Can I do anything to speed up my recovery?
Not specifically. But you can do things to aid your recovery. Following the aftercare advice is very important to avoid infections and complications post breast augmentation.
Do you have any breast augmentation aftercare advice?
Wear your post-surgery garments as instructed. Take the time to recover, and let the body heal. Ask for help from family or friends, and avoid excessive movements initially.
It’s also important to massage your scars. There’s more information on this in this recent blog post on scar massage.
When can I go back to work?
Usually within 2-4 weeks of breast augmentation surgery.
When can I exercise again?
Usually within 2-3 weeks, but it should only be light exercise like swimming.
What changes should I expect aside from physically?
Sensation usually changes following breast augmentation and the nipples may be hyper or hypo sensitive. It is uncommon to have permanent changes in sensation but can take a number of months to return back to normal.
More questions? Get in touch
If you have any more questions or you wish to book a consultation please get in touch. You can find all of the information you need on our contact us page.