Would I Need A Breast Reduction Or Breast Lift?


In our next vlog of the series, we look at what patients may consider when deciding whether they need a breast reduction or breast lift. The two surgeries have two different purposes despite being relatively similar. This is the main reason why patients may be weighing up what option would be best for them before they go through the surgery. Before going into more detail, let’s look at the difference between a mastopexy and breast reduction surgery.

A mastopexy/breast lift involves lifting and tightening the existing skin in the breast area. This essentially helps the breasts to appear fuller and less aged.

A breast reduction involves the removal of skin and volume from the breast tissue to make the appearance of the breasts appear smaller.

There can be some cases where rather than choosing between having a breast reduction or breast lift, patients require both in order to get the results they require. There are two case studies provided in the video; the first shows an example of a breast lift being used. There has also been breast reduction used but this is minimal to remove the outer skin and reshape the breast.

The second case study shows an example of mastopexy being used. Again, in this case, though there has also been a form of breast reduction being used too. There are several factors that are considered when choosing between a breast reduction or breast lift including whether tissue needs to be removed, the volume of breast tissue and the size of the areola complex.

In some cases, both can be used but this can be discussed during a consultation to determine what option would be best for you. 

If you’d like more information on breast surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast reduction case study page

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