Next up in our vlog series we continue our education on abdominal cosmetic surgery. We look further into what happens with the scars after tummy tuck surgery. Abdominoplasty surgery involves the removal of excess fat from the abdominal area. This video goes into further details about what is abdominoplasty surgery and how abdominal liposuction scars change over time after the surgery.
The reason why patients choose to have abdominoplasty surgery is to remove excess skin build up around the abdominal area and in the video, a case study is provided of a patient who chose to have abdominal skin removal surgery involving liposuction due to excess build up of skin. Abdominoplasty before and after photos are provided showing the gradual recovery process long after the surgery has taken place.
Abdominal Liposuction Scars Healing Time
Tummy tuck pictures after 6 weeks are shown and then we see the results of the surgery after 6 months. After the surgery, it is evident that the patient has developed much bruising and scarring judging by the photos. Gradually though, this starts to ease later in the recovery process and we see the patient with more ideal results. Of course, healing from abdominoplasty can be different for everyone. So how the abdominal liposuction scars show in the case study may not necessarily be the same for every patient.
If you’d like more information on abdominoplasty surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our abdominoplasty case study page to see more examples of results from our performed treatments.