Mr Ross was part of the faculty for the Royal Society of Medicine day that focused on aesthetic breast surgery. Mr Ross delivered two talks on Breast Reduction and Mummy Makeover surgery. The focus of this programme was for candidates to grasp the basics of aesthetic breast surgery.
12:00 Introduction Naveen Cavale, President, RSM Plastic Surgery Section and Co-Chair
Second Chair – TBC
12:20 Gynaecomastia – Mo Akhavani
12:40 Mummy Makeover – Gary Ross
13.00 Breast Reduction – Gary Ross
13:20 Panel discussion (20 minutes)
13:40 Short break (10 minutes)
13:50 Auto-Augmentation Mastopexy – Adrian Richards
14:10 Breast Implant Illness – Ruth Waters
14:30 Aesthetic Surgery Credentialing – Ruth Waters
14:50 Panel discussion (20 minutes)
15:10 Short break (10 minutes)
15:20 My First 100 Breast Augmentations – Mo Akhavani
15:40 Starting out in breast augmentation: staying safe and efficient – Naveen Cavale
16:00 Closing comments & Q&A (20 minutes)
16:20 Close of day, optional sponsorship presentation
16:30 Virtual networking reception