This lady wished to improve the jowl area and redefine her jaw and improve the appearance of her neck. Elevating the skin away from the underlying tissues allows access for the platysma muscle to be tightened directly via a lateral platysmaplasty. The repositioning of this muscle allows the jaw to be better defined and then the SMAS lifted higher to give extra volume to the midface. The results are shown at 6 weeks and the scars will continue to improve over the coming months. At 6 weeks, the scars have healed very well and have faded considerably. The scars then run into the scalp with no disruption of the hairline. The scars will continue to improve over the coming weeks.
When considering facelift surgery patients need to consider the options of neck lifting, liposuction, autologous fat transfer, brow lift and facial implants. The most common operation performed in combination with a facelift is a blepharoplasty.
At a consultation, Mr Ross will show you various preoperative and postoperative results so that you can understand what can be achieved and what is to be expected. It is important to run through all the pros and cons and the various options of facial surgery and non-surgical techniques so that you can be empowered to proceed.
Mr. Ross is a plastic, aesthetic and cosmetic surgeon that underwent specific training in plastic surgery and has a vast experience in the head and neck region. Mr. Ross successfully completed his FRCS (plast), obtained his CCT and is listed on the GMC specialist Register for Plastic surgery (Number 4220633). Mr. Ross has a vast training in aesthetic surgery throughout his plastic surgery training including the techniques utilized in “cosmetic surgery”. Mr. Ross is a full member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS); British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists (BAHNO) and is regularly appraised on an annual basis. He has successfully revalidated and “cosmetic surgery” is an established part of his scope of practice. Mr Ross is the only plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Manchester, the North West of England and the United Kingdom in full time private practice, who is a full member of BAAPS, BAPRAS and BAHNO. Mr Ross has written many articles and book chapters in relation to head and neck surgery and will be able to individualise your surgery to give you the optimal outcome.