[vc_row][vc_column][vc_media_grid style=”all” items_per_page=”10″ element_width=”6″ gap=”5″ button_style=”rounded” button_color=”blue” button_size=”md” arrows_design=”none” arrows_position=”inside” arrows_color=”blue” paging_design=”radio_dots” paging_color=”grey” loop=”” autoplay=”-1″ item=”mediaGrid_Default” grid_id=”vc_gid:1451975211465-0f23269d-89a0-3″ include=”7411,7408″][vc_column_text]This lady had has an upper and lower blepharoplasty with a midfacelift. The tear trough area is often the most difficult to treat and repositioning of the tissues often gives the best results. The pictures are taken at 6 weeks postop and the scars are almost invisible. She has a small dogear under the right lower lid scar that will need to be massaged for the next few weeks but it is very rare for this not to settle.