This lady had significant capsular contracture with ptosis following a breast augmentation and periareolamastopexy performed elsewhere. Having discussed the options of removing only, removal and lift and the pros and cons of one and two stage implant replacement she decided to remove the implants and the caspsulesen bloc and perform a mastopexy at the same time. By doing this one can improve the cosmesis of her previous periareola scars, lift the breast into a better position and obtain an aesthetic result. She is happy with this and will not plan to have implants again.
Often patients have concerns that they will have no volume when the implants are removed. Often augmentation has been performed at a time in their lives when they have other concerns and forget about the amount of breast they had at that time. Often following pregnancy and with age one can accumulate more breast tissue. Often patients are surprised at how much breast tissue they do have following implant removal.