With pregnancy, the layers of the abdominal wall are stretched and the skin is stretched. The muscles are pushed apart and the bowel contents move forward. After tightening the abdominal wall the amount of skin excess removed is from just above the pubic hairline up to the level of the tummy button. Liposuction helps to decrease the amount of excess fat and this aids the aesthetic result in most cases. The scar will mature over the coming months and often it can take 12-18 months for the scar to mature. The long term result is seen here
At a consultation It is important to run through all the pros and cons and the various options of abdominal rejuvenation surgery and to look at preop and postop images so that you can be empowered to proceed or not to proceed.
Mr. Ross successfully completed his FRCS (plast), obtained his CCT and is listed on the GMC specialist Register for Plastic surgery (Number 4220633). Mr. Ross has a vast training in aesthetic surgery throughout his plastic surgery training including the techniques utilized in “cosmetic surgery”. Mr. Ross is a full member of the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS); British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and is regularly appraised on an annual basis. He has successfully revalidated and “cosmetic surgery” is an established part of his scope of practice. Mr Ross was the first cosmetic surgeon to be certified by the Royal College of Surgeons for body recontouring including abdominoplasty.
To arrange your consultation, get in touch with the team on 0161 401 4064.