Abdominoplasty Case Study 90

A tummy tuck strengthens the abdominal wall, allows removal of skin excess and removes excess fat. Where there is a lot of excess fat and weakness of the abdominal wall there are limitations to what can be achieved. This lady is seen 6 months following an abdominoplasty. In this case a small vertical scar was required in order that the wounds could be closed without any tension.

Mr Ross does not use any drains and patients are mobilised immediately following surgery. Mr Ross finds that early mobilisation often means that patients do not require DVT and PE prophylaxis in the form of pharmacological agents and thus reduces further the chances of bleeding postop.

At a consultation, It is important to run through all the pros and cons and the various options of and look through preoperative and postoperative images so that you can be empowered to proceed.

To arrange your consultation, get in touch with the team on 0161 401 4064.

Pre and Post-Op Images For This Case Study


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