Eyelid Rejuvenation Case Study 66
This lady wished to improve the appearance of her periorbital region. She has a lot of excess skin in the upper lids with hooding but
Eyelid Rejuvenation Case Study 56
This lady has had a blepharoplasty and the result at 6 weeks shows an improvement in the aesthetics of her eyelid region. The scars have
Eyelid Rejuvenation Case Study 55
This gentleman has had an upper and lower blepharoplasty. He has extensive malar bags, orbicularis weakness and fat herniation. The postop result shows the improvement
Eyelid Rejuvenation Case Study 51
This gentleman has had an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty. He is 5 weeks postop and still has significant redness of her scar and swelling.
Eyelid Rejuvenation Case Study 48
This lady has had an upper blepharoplasty and has helped to improve the periorbital appearance. Although she has asymmetry both pre and postop this has
Eyelid Rejuvenation Case Study 47
This lady has had an upper and lower lid blepharoplasty. She is 5 weeks postop and still has significant redness of her scar. The appearance