In this video, we discuss what causes the ageing process and the impacts of ageing. When ageing occurs the biggest effect it has on the skin is in the facial area. Many patients find that they wish to rejuvenate their skin through a face rejuvenation procedure because they are beginning to develop ageing facial skin. As the skin changes with age, it goes through several stages that can be visible on the facial area. The video provides visual aids that go into further detail about the impacts of ageing on the face and the signs that you can look for on an ageing face.
As well as the skin, the video also explains how the impacts of ageing can occur in the facial layers that are deeper than the skin surface. As a result, it has an impact on the neck, causing excess skin to occur from the ligament and cartilage changes that have occurred from ageing. There is also further detail provided about the impacts it has on the skull as ageing of the skin in the internal structures can change the shape and size of the skull. During a facial rejuvenation procedure, it’s important that muscle and nerve damage doesn’t occur as it can have a detrimental effect on patients.
If you’d like more information on face lift surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our face lift surgery case study page to see more examples of results from our performed treatments.