A lower body lift (also known as a belt lipectomy) is the removal of tissue; typically requested and performed on successful weight loss patients. The tissue is removed all of the way around the body.
Every patient who loses weight does so differently and as such the distribution of skin after the fact will also be different. On a case by case basis, patients need to prioritise which area they wish to address in particular. The higher up the removal of excess tissue then the higher the position of scars will be. For example, when the priority is to remove excess tissue above the waist, then the scar will be quite highly positioned also.
In the event of issues such as a saddlebag deformity – where excess skin hangs noticeably off of the buttocks – the positioning of the scar is somewhat different. The scar is lower and as the excision of the skin occurred more around the sides of the buttocks.
The end position of scars will be determined by the tension on the wounds and the extent on the excision. An adjustment will also need to be made to ensure the wound is properly closed. This can again affect the end result of the scar. Minimal tension is aimed for, but there is a limit to what can be achieved and removed in one surgery.
Results Of A Lower Body Lift
The surgery markings are always very individual and so the patients need to prioritise the areas they wish to address, maximising the amount of skin to removed. Ultimately, the aim is obviously to achieve the result that the patient hopes for and so this prioritisation is vital.
If you’d like more information on our lower body lift surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our body lift case study page.