The selfie culture and its impact on plastic surgery.

A recent study from the University of California has suggested that if you wish to look more attractive in a selfie that you should snap yourself from the front rather than the side.

The use of selfies and its propagation in social media has led to a change in the general perception of beauty. As highlighted in this study it is very important when considering plastic surgery that both patients and plastic surgeons analyse the profile as well as views from the front when considering any aesthetic treatment. 

Computer imaging and 3D analysis are increasingly being used to help patients to visualize how changes in one area will affect other areas and how changes can be viewed from different angles. 

Potential patients must be happy with all views and the range of results that can be achieved. Results from plastic surgery are never guaranteed and when looking through preop and postop images patients need to be able to see improvements in all the images shown and plastic surgeons should provide a range of results for patients to visualize rather than selecting only the best results. Patients need to be shown complications and be taken through all the pros and cons and risks in order to be empowered to proceed or not.

For those wishing to undergo plastic surgery Mr Ross advises patients that they should not concentrate on selfie images and the reactions of others to these images which could have the potential of creating unrealistic expectations.

We have seen a rapid increase in patients bringing images of others into clinic and it is very important that patients are realistic in their expectations. Increasingly patients do not bring images that realistic and Mr Ross suggests that potential patients should look through preop and postop images of patients that have similar anatomy to get a better idea of what can and cannot be achieved.



Association of Frontal and Lateral Facial Attractiveness 

Gu JT, Avilla D, Devcic, Z, Karimi, Wong BJF

JAMA Facial Plast Surg. Published online August 3, 2017.


This article was published by the Daily Mirror

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