Breast Reduction Nipple Graft
We continue our recent vlog series on breast reduction advice this week with a look to free nipple grafts. If you’re about to undergo treatment for a reduction or maybe if you’re currently assessing your options and the results you could see, this video has been created to better inform you on what to expect and to tackle the changes that you’ll have to consider.
How Nipple Graft Requirements Can Differ
As you’ll see, breast reduction surgery is different for every person depending on what the size of the initial breast is. For larger breasts sometimes when undergoing surgery it is not possible to achieve a smaller size without needing a nipple graft, hence why Gary Ross offers free nipple grafts as part of his treatment plans.
Why Free Nipple Grafts Are Offered
Free nipple grafts are offered as part of the treatment to ensure proportion in the changes seen. During this process the nipple is removed and the breast is then reshaped before the replacement or nipple graft is positioned on the resized breast.
How Free Nipple Grafts Are Integrated Into The Treatment
The video offers examples of breast reduction nipple graft changes and how the nipple itself is impacted by the procedure. Before undergoing this surgery, it is always best to discuss the pros and cons of nipple grafts during your initial consultation. Your surgeon will be able to outline the risks imposed whilst providing advice on what would be best for your reduction in relation to your size and shape.
For More Details on Free Nipple Grafts…
If you’d like more information on free nipple grafts or breast reductions as a whole that you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our breast reduction case study page to view the results of our performed treatments.