In our next vlog for December, we look into a closed rhinoplasty procedure and whether the nose tip can be altered during this type of surgery.
A closed rhinoplasty procedure is conducted to reshape a patient’s nose. There can be several reasons why a patient may choose to have a closed rhinoplasty procedure and this would mainly be due to deformations that have occurred in the nose bone structure. In the vlog, a case study is provided to show an example of a patient that was worried about the nasal bones and septum coming together in the midline of their nose. In this particular case, the results of this meant that the patient’s tip was altered.
During a rhinoplasty procedure, the tip of the nose can be altered from the standard surgery and further details about this are provided in the video. Results of the patients’ procedure are also provided through before and after photos and they show the changes that have been made not only to the patient’s nasal bone structure and septum, but also the position of the nose tip. It shows a slight alteration to the nose tip of the patient, proving that the tip can be altered during a closed rhinoplasty procedure.
If you’d like more information on on rhinoplasty surgery then you can get in touch by contacting us here or by calling 0161 401 4064. You can also visit our rhinoplasty case study page.