Breast rejuvenation surgery has long been one of the most popular surgical procedures among women. While breast rejuvenation surgery has remained consistently popular, what has changed is the number of options available to women looking to improve the aesthetic appearance of their breasts. Technical innovations and procedure improvements mean that there are more accessible tailor-made options for individual patients and less downtime after the procedure itself. Mr Ross will always discuss the many options available to a patient before they decide on the best course of action to suit that individual’s needs.
Here are the rejuvenation options we share with out patients:
Among the most popular choices, breast implants are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes and profiles to accommodate nearly everybody. Breast implants allow for a patient to determine the size, shape and profile she wants, and will normally give an excellent result. Breast implants do come with risks and may need to be replaced after several years.
A mastopexy procedure involves lifting the breast, and so is also known as an uplift. A mastopexy can be paired with an implant if the patient wishes to increase the breast size too. A standard mastopexy aims to rejuvenate the appearance of the breasts and provide a more youthful look. A mastopexy is common in patients who’s breasts have sagged due to pregnancy or having large breasts.
AFT to breasts involves removing excess fat from one part of the body and putting it into the breasts. This procedure rejuvenates the breasts without the use of implants. AFT to breasts can be used to increase the size and volume of the breasts, or to provide a more youthful appearance.
Mr Ross will always discuss all of the available options with his patients in great detail and will always make sure that each patient is aware of the pros and cons and risks with each surgery. Mr Ross advises his patients to be in good general health and at their ideal weight before considering surgery, as it is important to be in a stable bodily condition when proceeding with cosmetic surgery. For more information on any of the procedures Mr Ross offers, book in for a consultation with and start your journey towards a more rejuvenated and youthful you.