5 Common Signs Of Implant Rupture In Your Breasts

Over the years breast implants have become increasingly durable yet it’s still one of the biggest concerns for patients that have cosmetic breast augmentation surgery. On average, it’s suggested that the chances of implant rupture rates in breast augmentations increases around 10% every 10 years.

To prevent the possibility of an implant rupture, you’ll have regular check ups at your surgeon to ensure everything feels comfortable and is correct. Lifetime guarantees that come with your breast implants can also be a safety net to ensure you gain the right aftercare and have replacements in case something goes wrong.

However, it’s still important to be well aware of common signs of implant ruptures as this can allow you to act sooner before it’s too late. Read further to discover the common clinical signs of breast implant ruptures and what action to take should this happen.


Your Implant Feels Softer

Your implant tends to feel quite firm at the beginning stages of your surgery. This is due to increased technology over time which has enabled the implants to become more durable. It can be noticeable to feel your implants change once they’ve been placed underneath your skin. If you feel as though your implant has become softer, this gives an indication that gel from the implant has leaked therefore causing an implant rupture.


Your Implant Becomes Stiffer

In some cases, the opposite can happen and your implant can’t feel noticeably harder. This is a sign of capsular contracture, where the skin tissue reacts to the breast implants and causes them to form a different shape. This can also cause slight pain.


Your Breast Becomes Swollen

Another one of the common signs of an implant rupture is if your breast becomes swollen. This occurs because the fluid from the breast implants interacts with your tissue fluid which causes the breasts to swell and become noticeably rounded. If you see any noticeable signs of swelling, abnormal to swelling during your recovery, then you should seek urgent advice from your trusted plastic surgeon.


Lump In Your Breasts

Any form of lump that you discover in your breasts should be considered of high importance to be seen immediately. This is because it could also be a sign of breast cancer which should be examined by a specialist for further examination. The same a silicone breast implant rupture can feel like breast cancer, it can also work vice versa too. Examination may involve screening and imagery to be sure what the cause has been.


Pain Or Itching

If you feel any other discomfort after you’ve had your breast surgery and healed, such as pain or itching, these should also be considered as signs that you may have an issue with your breast implant. Be sure to check this with a specialist to ensure there has not been an implant rupture, or return to your clinic to notify them that you feel there are issues with your breast implants.

Here at Gary Ross, we make patient care as our top priority. Although the majority of our patients are extremely happy with their results and rarely have issues with their breast implants after surgery, there can be times when risk and complications are involved. By educating you on the signs of implant ruptures, we can ensure that you’re safe and aware of what could happen.

By booking a consultation with us, we’ll be able to discuss the pros and cons of your surgery and will be happy to discuss any questions that you have regarding your surgery.

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